Cabinet Question Time

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Headshots of London Borough of Hounslow Cabinet Members

Cabinet Question Time is your opportunity to question the Leader and Cabinet of Hounslow Council.

This allows members of the public to question local political leaders on key issues and topics affecting the Borough of Hounslow.

With a similar format to BBC Question Time, local residents will come face-to-face with elected councillors who are accountable for decision-making in the Council.

An independent citizen chairs the panel session, inviting members of the public to put their questions forward.

Questions can be submitted in advance and you are encouraged to attend to put them to the panel in person on the night.

Details of the next Cabinet Question Time will be announced here by early October.

Thank you to all who attended the last Cabinet Question Time on 4th September 2024, chaired by Dr Talac Mahmud. The film of the event will soon be available on this page. Answers to all questions submitted in advance will soon be posted on this page.

Cabinet Question Time is your opportunity to question the Leader and Cabinet of Hounslow Council.

This allows members of the public to question local political leaders on key issues and topics affecting the Borough of Hounslow.

With a similar format to BBC Question Time, local residents will come face-to-face with elected councillors who are accountable for decision-making in the Council.

An independent citizen chairs the panel session, inviting members of the public to put their questions forward.

Questions can be submitted in advance and you are encouraged to attend to put them to the panel in person on the night.

Details of the next Cabinet Question Time will be announced here by early October.

Thank you to all who attended the last Cabinet Question Time on 4th September 2024, chaired by Dr Talac Mahmud. The film of the event will soon be available on this page. Answers to all questions submitted in advance will soon be posted on this page.

Advance questions are now closed, we will open this page soon for you to submit questions for the next Cabinet Question Time

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I have emailed and had replies, promising by Highways that the now nothing to do with Feltham in Bloom 6 fountain planters will be managed by Highways. Still haven't been planted up and as promised by Wayne Stephenson within the Autumn schedule and the one opposite the shopping centre entrance to be removed an update would be great as they are a complete eye sore down the High St.

Parton 10 months ago
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At the last council forum I raised about the very insensitive decision to have a Lime green parking bay put within the war memorial area. Can I have a update on this please and when will it be removed. Personally this scheme is a complete nightmare and nuisance to the public, finding these bikes everywhere just dumped on pavements etc plus no consultation at all with businesses and community.

Parton 10 months ago
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New signage at Feltham Green when the Friends group was consulted there was no mention that the wording of 'Hanworth Park' would be under the name 'Feltham Green'. I know that area is under Hanworth Park Ward but its very confusing having it on Feltham Green park signage. Will be emailing parks concerning this to have it removed, just wanted to ask why this has been allowed.

Parton 10 months ago
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What is the future plan to Reduce the Housing price, Because this area housing price are very high, so you have any plan to some kind of control to balance the housing market in Hounslow?

Lakmal 10 months ago
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What are the three main challenges or failings that our Borough faces and what plans or measures have been put in place to address them

Andres Carvajal 10 months ago
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What is the plan around fly-tipping? It doesn't seem to be going away?

Jon Sim 10 months ago
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Page last updated: 06 Sep 2024, 06:10 PM