Cabinet Question Time

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Headshots of London Borough of Hounslow Cabinet Members

Cabinet Question Time is your opportunity to question the Leader and Cabinet of Hounslow Council.

This allows members of the public to question local political leaders on key issues and topics affecting the Borough of Hounslow.

With a similar format to BBC Question Time, local residents will come face-to-face with elected councillors who are accountable for decision-making in the Council.

An independent citizen chairs the panel session, inviting members of the public to put their questions forward.

Questions can be submitted in advance and you are encouraged to attend to put them to the panel in person on the night.

Details of the next Cabinet Question Time will be announced here by early October.

Thank you to all who attended the last Cabinet Question Time on 4th September 2024, chaired by Dr Talac Mahmud. The film of the event will soon be available on this page. Answers to all questions submitted in advance will soon be posted on this page.

Cabinet Question Time is your opportunity to question the Leader and Cabinet of Hounslow Council.

This allows members of the public to question local political leaders on key issues and topics affecting the Borough of Hounslow.

With a similar format to BBC Question Time, local residents will come face-to-face with elected councillors who are accountable for decision-making in the Council.

An independent citizen chairs the panel session, inviting members of the public to put their questions forward.

Questions can be submitted in advance and you are encouraged to attend to put them to the panel in person on the night.

Details of the next Cabinet Question Time will be announced here by early October.

Thank you to all who attended the last Cabinet Question Time on 4th September 2024, chaired by Dr Talac Mahmud. The film of the event will soon be available on this page. Answers to all questions submitted in advance will soon be posted on this page.

Advance questions are now closed, we will open this page soon for you to submit questions for the next Cabinet Question Time

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(Part 1) Convent Way Regeneration Program: A couple of years ago the Council underwent extensive research and spent time and money on a regeneration plan for Convent Way Estate and even submitted the plans for planning permission. However, the plan was halted abruptly and residents of the estate were not contacted and told as to why. Why has the Council not restarted the program to regenerate the estate which has buildings that are very old and worn? (continued)

carol.clapperton 4 months ago
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How is the council looking to improve bus services and are they considering tackling fares- based on current fares why are the services so reduced and not even meeting existing current timetables - the instructors to help people to switch to public transport is diabolical.

Submitted by ThePeoplesVoice, 20th April 2024

carol.clapperton 4 months ago
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How will you continue your excellent work to make sure our streets are safe for walking, wheeling and cycling and to commit to Vision Zero?
Submitted by rockcyclist, 19th April 2024

carol.clapperton 4 months ago
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Hello Jim - the recording is already on this webpage. If you are viewing this on a desk top or laptop computer it will be with the recordings listed on the right side of the page. If you are viewing this on a phone, scroll down the page.

carol.clapperton 6 months ago
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"Cabinet Question Time will be filmed and shared on this page after the event". Do we know when the recording will be available on this page?

Jim Storrar 6 months ago
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Has the cabinet considered any new proposals for improving transport access from Isleworth/Brentford towards Chiswick? Currently there is no underground branch in the south of the Borough to the west of Kew Bridge. A tram service, river shuttle, even a retractable bridge from Brentford to Kew (to allow access to Kew Village and underground station) are all options.

pietrosurf 7 months ago
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How can residents ensure that Forum topics are ones which they want to discuss with Councillors, rather than topics which LBH wishes attenders to know about, and ensure much more time is given to the former and much less to the latter - which can be dealt with in other ways to a far larger resident audience, eg via "Hounslow Matters" online and by quarterly printed distribution.

J Cooper

carol.clapperton 7 months ago
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(Cont. 2/2) .......There are apparent work and geographical overlaps with established Ward Panels and Area Forums’ activities, particularly those requiring a Police presence. Ward Panel Chairs are only invited to one meeting a year out of four, creating a lack of continuity. With limited Police and volunteer resources, an open review of aims and objectives of Ward Panels, Area Forums and SNB is urgently needed.

C Hume, Chair of Osterley and Spring Grove Ward Panel

carol.clapperton 7 months ago
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LBH’s new Safer Neighbourhood Board (SNB) seems to have ambitious aims, to ensure all wards have a Panel and Neighbourhood Watch, crime victim representation, youth engagement (with a £30 ‘bribe’) and the delivery of projects funded by others e.g. Chamber of Commerce, plus much else but so far little in the way of specific proposals for action.

(Cont. 1st of 2)

carol.clapperton 7 months ago
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As a student I value and utilise the local library in Hounslow House frequently especially during exam seasons. As a practising Muslim however, I struggle with staying there for long periods of time as there is no available prayer room facility. Instead I have to walk at least 15 minutes to the other part of the high street to another mosque. The walk there and back takes up a large part of my time so I would like to request that a permanent prayer room should be allocated within Hounslow House

MM 7 months ago
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As a student I value and utilise the local library in Hounslow House frequently especially during exam seasons. As a practising Muslim however, I struggle with staying there for long periods of time as there is no available prayer room facility. Instead I have to walk at least 15 minutes to the other part of the high street to another mosque. The walk there and back takes up a large part of my time so I would like to request that a permanent prayer room should be allocated within Hounslow House

MM 7 months ago
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Why has the Council not prioritised space in vacant sites for increasing new supply of SEND school places, particularly when developers propose only 35% affordable homes, below the 50% threshold set by the Mayor of London?

S Malik

carol.clapperton 7 months ago
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Continuation .............. Can the Council help push for full fibre? After all they have approved thousands of flats, without the adequate infrastructure, so the least that they can do is to improve the lives of residents.

Submitted by G Andraos and OWGRA

carol.clapperton 7 months ago
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We have fibre to the cabinet & not to the home, the connection keeps on dropping. The speed over the copper cables is extremely slow. We’re paying a fortune for unreliable connections. Many areas in London have full fibre to the home & benefit from stable, cheap & superfast fibre broadband. They can work from home & businesses can operate without connection worries. Why can’t we? ....... continued

carol.clapperton 7 months ago
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What is Hounslow Councils housing policy? Does it take into account infrastructure, services such as schools, dentists, public transport etc. For example Brentford at present has a housing boom but those of us living here are concerned that Hounslow will not be able to provide the supportive services for this increase in the population.

Gwen Wilde 8 months ago
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We have too many cyclists using the public footpaths causing danger to the public including the elderly and disabled. Are there any enforcements in place for those who uses the footpaths for cycling?

Submitted by S Jassal

carol.clapperton 8 months ago
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How many new flats has been built in the borough in last 8 years also known as affordable and shared ownership homes. How many of these are laying vacant?

Submitted by S Jassal

carol.clapperton 8 months ago
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Following the announcement from Michael Gove on 19th December, the highly anticipated revised NPPF (National Planning Policy Framework) is finally published, which cemented that housing targets are 'advisory' - they are not mandatory. It is also clearly stated that a local authority's Green Belt boundaries do not need to be changed to meet its housing target. The last Local Plan included proposals to build on the Borough’s Greenbelt land including a huge warehouse development on Hatton Fields. Will the next Plan now exclude Greenbelt development so generations can access these green spaces?

Clare Obeng 8 months ago
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Thanks for all your questions for the panel for 6th December 2023, listed below. All questions listed from this point on are for Cabinet Question Time 28th February 2024.

carol.clapperton 9 months ago
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What is Hounslow Council, Hounslow Highways doing about the constant flooding in benedict drive?
Every time it rains the road, footpath and the front gardens are flooded coupled with strong sewage smell which is having detrimental effect on the residents day to day life,
This has been reported to Hounslow Council many times over the years but to no avail,
this has also been reported through our Councillor Mr Raghwinder Siddhu but we still have no resolution or action plan,
please give this matter your urgent consideration


Gurinder Kundi 9 months ago
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Page last updated: 06 Sep 2024, 06:10 PM