Cabinet Question Time

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Headshots of London Borough of Hounslow Cabinet Members

Cabinet Question Time is your opportunity to question the Leader and Cabinet of Hounslow Council.

This allows members of the public to question local political leaders on key issues and topics affecting the Borough of Hounslow.

With a similar format to BBC Question Time, local residents will come face-to-face with elected councillors who are accountable for decision-making in the Council.

An independent citizen chairs the panel session, inviting members of the public to put their questions forward.

Questions can be submitted in advance and you are encouraged to attend to put them to the panel in person on the night.

Details of the next Cabinet Question Time will be announced here by early October.

Thank you to all who attended the last Cabinet Question Time on 4th September 2024, chaired by Dr Talac Mahmud. The film of the event will soon be available on this page. Answers to all questions submitted in advance will soon be posted on this page.

Cabinet Question Time is your opportunity to question the Leader and Cabinet of Hounslow Council.

This allows members of the public to question local political leaders on key issues and topics affecting the Borough of Hounslow.

With a similar format to BBC Question Time, local residents will come face-to-face with elected councillors who are accountable for decision-making in the Council.

An independent citizen chairs the panel session, inviting members of the public to put their questions forward.

Questions can be submitted in advance and you are encouraged to attend to put them to the panel in person on the night.

Details of the next Cabinet Question Time will be announced here by early October.

Thank you to all who attended the last Cabinet Question Time on 4th September 2024, chaired by Dr Talac Mahmud. The film of the event will soon be available on this page. Answers to all questions submitted in advance will soon be posted on this page.

Advance questions are now closed, we will open this page soon for you to submit questions for the next Cabinet Question Time

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Hi I am registered and wait the answer about questions around 2mounth

Ahmed Abdi Awad 10 months ago
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You were given 11.5 million from Government for rate relief to help local businesses impacted from Covid .The scheme you devised, included relief to large corporates ie BA, UPS, Maersk, etc and ignored some small businesses who were refused to appeal
1.3 million is still left to distribute BUT rather than help more struggling small businesses you confirm you're going to return it all to Gov. Why?

Nick Jenkins 10 months ago
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How are activities in LBH venues monitored with regard to Security/Health Safety Practices/Parking/Attendee numbers. This seems to have been sadly lacking at the FAHall TW14 9DN in recent years. There seems to be no accountability to Residents around these venues that cause misery/distress to many. Enforcement seems to be a real problem.

Submitted by L Dalgleish

carol.clapperton 10 months ago
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National Neighbourhood Watch is an independent charity which should be able to hold the Council and Police to account. It is another voice for residents. The Council should listen to charities and its political influence on charities is not welcomed. How can this voice be independent?

Submitted by L Dalgleish

carol.clapperton 10 months ago
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Is there anything in place for elderly/vulnerable Residents not on-line or don t have smart phones or are they the forgotten ones with no voice at all.

Submitted by L Dalgleish

carol.clapperton 10 months ago
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The Friends of Feltham Green (FoFG) is a volunteer group/charity who look after the pond in Feltham High Street. The sign to mark this was marked with Hanworth Ward on it. Is it usual to put the Ward name on signs relating to volunteer groups. If so why? The Ward is not really relevant is it?

Submitted by L Dalgleish

carol.clapperton 10 months ago
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i am disable wheelchair person, staying in feltham from last 6 years on immigration visa , as a social care and independence living, i have applied for Wet Room Build for newly bought ground floor house, for fire safety suggested by Occupational therapist. now council team has rejected, due to immigration person not allowed to use public fund. how to get wetroom for daily necessary needs.

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Does the council unequivocally support TW7 residents in their opposition to Thames Water’s Direct River Abstraction proposals ?

Mary teresa 10 months ago
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Who decided that LIME bikes would be a good idea to turn Feltham into a bicycle scrapyard eyesore and have the bikes to be ridden on pavements at pedestrians directly at speed? The previous experience of other London Boroughs and mainland China should have been a warning. Being told to 'tell them yourself' by Hounslow council when making complaints about LIME bikes was also a nice touch!

Ian Brown 10 months ago
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Swan Street, particularly through Town Wharf and Lion Wharf Road, has unfortunately become a meeting point for drug dealers. Especially after 10 pm, it becomes very difficult to walk around as young people park their cars, gather and use laughing gas, and smoke weed. Despite multiple reports to both the Council and the Police, no action has been taken. What is your plan to stop these activies?

Windsurf 10 months ago
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Hi there,Could you please let me know if there will be any school street plan or traffic restrictions for North Street, Isleworth? During school times, there is an extreme amount of traffic, and it resembles more of a highway. It's highly dangerous as children are crossing the street, and some drivers seem inattentive. This situation could lead to an incident.
I would like to inquire about your

Windsurf 10 months ago
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I have requested the Trading Standards and the Citizens Advice for help. Where is the trading standard department existence? The Butchery Shops in Hounslow west or the High Street are a law unto themselves. they do not display prices and the quality of mince is pure fat. The none existence of the Council Department to check hygiene quality and price display does not exist. Is this group able.

rafiq 10 months ago
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Why is Council not doing anything with repairs to my road Munster Ave, Footpaths +Roads
I have asked this question to Highways since 2015 and they say No budget, but the budget for Connaught Ave which next street to Munster Ave.
Can you sort out double parking on the yellow lines in corner of Munster Ave and also fast driving, we have speed limit of 20mph, we need bumps please.
Thank you.

Yagnesh. Nakarja 10 months ago
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I would like to know when the trees that were taken down in Kendall Road, Isleworth will be replaced. Since living in the road 4 trees have been removed and none have been replanted. Does the cabinet feel that this fits with the green agenda and the Grow the Future plan for sustainable food growing spaces in the borough?

Submitted by S Tilson

carol.clapperton 10 months ago
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How does the cabinet feel about a retired politician who has not been an MP for 7 years taking up a senior position as the Foreign Secretary?
Should members of the cabinet be voted in by the public or should they just be chosen by the leader?

Submitted by S Tilson

carol.clapperton 10 months ago
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I am very concerned about the speed of drivers through Heston village. Numerous schools access their school via this road. 20 mph restriction is ignored. 2023 alone, on two separate occasions, cars mounted the path on the section of Heston Rd closest to the Catholic primary school. We need physical speed restrictions on Heston Rd leading into the centre of Heston village. What can be done?

Concerned resident 10 months ago
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This cabinet is made up of who? All labour or others? When do Conservatives, Lib Dems and green party hold theirs and where?
But like I said; time for a trip to ikea because you all have failed miserably.

Submitted by J Jassar

carol.clapperton 10 months ago
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Hounslow front gardens are quickly turning from traditional cottage gardens with similar facades to concrete and paved over driveways, frontages with religious symbols, unsympathetic doors and brutal railings. LBH Planning Department should provide and enforce a number of red lines for owners not to cross to prevent our streets becoming full of fortresses and religious symbols. What can be done?

Heston resident 10 months ago
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With the Borough’s Local Plan soon to be released, can the Cabinet firstly summarise what the responses to Regulation 18 have so far revealed and secondly will the Cabinet confirm that the next Local Plan will respect the protection afforded to the Borough’s Green Belt and exclude development on Green Belt Land, including in particular 100 acres of Green Belt in Bedfont known as Hatton Fields?

Clare Obeng 10 months ago
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4 years I’ve tried to get an EHCP for my daughter. She was recently rejected again. She is too Autistic for Sparrow Farm (mainstream) and not Autistic enough for The Rise School (for children with ASD). I’ve had to take her out of education due to forcing her in for 4 years. She is now suicidal 10 year old. She deserves to be in The Rise school. It’s a game changer for children with Autism. Help

Feltham_Resident_loosing_Hope23 10 months ago
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Page last updated: 06 Sep 2024, 06:10 PM