Cabinet Question Time

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Headshots of London Borough of Hounslow Cabinet Members

Cabinet Question Time is your opportunity to question the Leader and Cabinet of Hounslow Council.

This allows members of the public to question local political leaders on key issues and topics affecting the Borough of Hounslow.

With a similar format to BBC Question Time, local residents will come face-to-face with elected councillors who are accountable for decision-making in the Council.

An independent citizen chairs the panel session, inviting members of the public to put their questions forward.

Questions can be submitted in advance and you are encouraged to attend to put them to the panel in person on the night.

Details of the next Cabinet Question Time will be announced here by early October.

Thank you to all who attended the last Cabinet Question Time on 4th September 2024, chaired by Dr Talac Mahmud. The film of the event will soon be available on this page. Answers to all questions submitted in advance will soon be posted on this page.

Cabinet Question Time is your opportunity to question the Leader and Cabinet of Hounslow Council.

This allows members of the public to question local political leaders on key issues and topics affecting the Borough of Hounslow.

With a similar format to BBC Question Time, local residents will come face-to-face with elected councillors who are accountable for decision-making in the Council.

An independent citizen chairs the panel session, inviting members of the public to put their questions forward.

Questions can be submitted in advance and you are encouraged to attend to put them to the panel in person on the night.

Details of the next Cabinet Question Time will be announced here by early October.

Thank you to all who attended the last Cabinet Question Time on 4th September 2024, chaired by Dr Talac Mahmud. The film of the event will soon be available on this page. Answers to all questions submitted in advance will soon be posted on this page.

Advance questions are now closed, we will open this page soon for you to submit questions for the next Cabinet Question Time

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Why is it that driving behind a rubbish truck lorry make us feel we are following a death trail. I mean there is a high risk of upper respiratory tract infection or even a chest infection when all its dust particles is blown directly behind onto all vehicles behind and pedestrians particularly young children and frail/old age citizens? What better provisions can be made to safeguard our citizens?

Dhananjai 10 days ago
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Advance questions for Cabinet Question Time 4th September are now closed. Thanks to all who submitted a question.

carol.clapperton 16 days ago
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what are you going to do to tackle residents from dumping mass household goods

and will you consider doing a review in the enforcement team as they dont fine many. so no deterrent

carol.clapperton 17 days ago
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Cycling has been my primary mode of transport for the last four years and I found it a very practical way of improving mental and physical health. Thankfully, new cycling tracks have been created within Hounslow and adjacent boroughs. However, maintenance of these tracks is an issue. There are rough patches and potholes which cyclists try to avoid by swerving their bikes and that could be extremely dangerous when a vehicle is closely following behind. Who is responsible for maintaining these cycling tracks and how often do they do this job?

carol.clapperton 18 days ago
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Leasehold service do not seem to hold full information Residents to contact the Freeholder regarding the Freehold responsibilities with regard to subletting. Subletting is something the Freeholder should be made aware of otherwise the system can be abused.

carol.clapperton 18 days ago
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The Experimental Ebike parking bay was to be for a period of 6 months after ‘installation’, which started on or around 06/12/23 (as the previous location at the top of Queens Way having been removed, after just 3 weeks, due to safety issues as raised by many LOCAL residents!) after which there was to be ‘residents consultation’ on whether this relocated parking bay, in Elizabeth Way, was stay or be removed. This ‘residents consultation’ is now 3 months overdue and we are plagued with abandoned bikes - 8/10 on a regular basis within a 300 metre semi circle of this Experimental Ebike parking bay. With dozens more abandoned within a 1/3 of a mile radius of this particular Experimental Lime Ebike parking bay, including in/on Hanworth Airpark!! A bike has been abandoned for over 2 months

carol.clapperton 18 days ago
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It feels like we are facing a mental health and well-being crisis. In the post-pandemic world, a lot of people are suffering silently and very little is done at the Council level to promote mental health and well-being. I am interested to know what are the Council's plans to improve this situation. 18 days ago
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Are Lime bikes here to stay in Feltham. If yes than what is council and the company doing to ensure that they are legitimately used and returned to proper parking spots. That teenagers and young children cannot dodge the mechanism and are able ride them dangerously. That if left in inappropriate places they will be immediately moved by the company. 18 days ago
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There appears to be plenty of vacancies in sheltered housing eg Owen house, Feltham - if someone occupying a council property has too much in savings and occupying a larger property , can their savings be ignored for them to be moved into sheltered housing to create vacancies in a council house or to get charged a premium to move into council sheltered accommodation. 20 days ago
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The community asset review - when is this going to be complete for Feltham ? 20 days ago
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The cabinet papers are often in complex language not clear to the average members of the public- can we get these in plain English going forward 20 days ago
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There is lots of publicity around consultations - but often the details to the end product are not shared - can we have full transparency around the local plan and the reasons why things did/ didn’t change after the consultation. 20 days ago
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We like the communications from Hounslow Matters - but often events are missed out of it - can we ensure all events are included eg 8th August national play day in Isleworth. 20 days ago
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The houses at Burlington next to Bedfont Green appear to have been finished but not occupied - when will these be occupied. Similar to the new blocks of flats in Brentford built for the council. 20 days ago
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In Chiswick community school the teachers wait with the children at the bus stops to ensure people feel safe Eg ensuring members of public can get on bus safely particularly the elderly - can this be encouraged on Feltham high street ? 20 days ago
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The community buildings appear to be managed by whoever was around years ago- what if other organisations want to run them - how can this be set up so it’s fair - it seems unusual for residents to run a building. 20 days ago
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We recently moved into a new build where we were pressured into signing a no parking letter from Hounslow Housing. The four of us had lived in a one bedroom flat for the pass 10 years, crowded and my husband was working from home aswell so we were very overcrowded and claustrophobic. We desperately needed a bigger property as my son was about to start secondary school that year so there was no way we could refuse the property. My question is "Why have we not been allocated parking when we have children and their schools are near the old property, our work is near the old property too, there's ao much space to give each household just one parking space. My husband also has a vehicle for work as he works on the motorway, that's his livelihood and he is not able to park close to home.

Anonymous05 27 days ago
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1. Lampton Investment 360 accounts show that the company made a loss of £18 million in 2022/23 and now has net negative value of £30 million. Can you explain why this was not properly reported to the Cabinet meeting in March and instead reporting only £0.5 million loss (with a footnote)? Would the Overview and Scrutiny committee do a full report on whether this company has been run prudently?

Tony Firkins 4 months ago
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Treaty Centre lift has been out of order for the past four months - wheelchair participants are unable to participate in any activity. Q. What are you doing about it?

Submitted by Daya Mohindra, 3rd May 2024

carol.clapperton 4 months ago
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(Part 2) When will works commence as I understand there are other estates in the borough that will have work continued. Surely Convent Way should be a top priority to save funds in the long run.

Submitted by AliM, 24th April 2024

carol.clapperton 4 months ago
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Page last updated: 06 Sep 2024, 06:10 PM