Moving Forward - Transport Strategy

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Consultation has concluded


We are in the process of updating the borough’s Transport Strategy which was last published in 2019. The borough and how we live has changed substantially since then with more varied travel patterns in a post-pandemic world, a cost of living crisis and the declaration of a climate emergency. The relationship between transport, public health and equalities outcomes is also more pronounced. The context in which the council is operating is different and, in many ways, more challenging. In recognition of this, we would like to ensure the transport strategy is reflective of people living and working across the borough and considers the future of travel in Hounslow.

In July 2024, the council launched the first phase of consultation for its Transport Strategy Update to engage with residents and partners. Entitled ‘Moving Forward’, the aim of this engagement was to introduce the topic to stakeholders, understand how people get around the borough and what their priorities are. For details on the activities carried out between July and September, please see our Early Engagement Summary.

Below is an outline of what you have told us so far and what the council is going to do with the support of its partners:

This image shows the key feedback we have received so far, and how we are going to respond. You said: • More greening • More street trees • More electric vehicle charging points We will: • Deliver sustainable rain gardens • Rebalance streets in the interests of communities • Expand our electric vehicle charging network You said: • To cycle, walk or wheel for work, education and leisure trips • To see less congestion around schools and improved safety for walking, wheeling and cycling We will: • Develop a Cycling Action Plan for consultation • Make streets and schools more people friendly to support active travel You said: • Safer cycling routes for different users • More frequent buses that serve different journeys • Safer and more accessible buses We will: • Expand our all ability cycle training offer • Review the bus network and infrastructure • Prepare a Public Transport Plan You said: • Better awareness for safety and accessibility • More bus driver training to ensure buses stop at stops and near to pavements • More step free station access We will: • Continue to work with partners to make more stations step free by introducing lifts and ramps • Develop a Walking and Wheeling Action Plan for consultation

The Strategy has an overarching vision for everyone who lives, works, studies, or visits the borough:  

Our vision is for Hounslow’s transport network and public spaces to enable the development of a prosperous, healthy, accessible, and safe environment for all, supporting a fairer and more equal borough.

To achieve the vision, we have outlined four Strategic Moves to get us to where we want to be 

Strategic Move 1: Improve our local environment and respond to the climate emergency Strategic Move 2: Develop healthy places so people can live well Strategic Move 3: Support a more equitable, inclusive and sustainable economy Strategic Move 4: Enable safer and more accessible journeys

The vision and Strategic Moves will guide our work to achieve three core targets 

The targets are for more active, efficient and sustainable trips per year. Increasing from a baseline of 60% in 2022/23 to 66% in 2030 and 71% in 2041. The second target is for fewer people to be killed or seriously injured per year. In 2022/23, there were 141 people killed or seriously injured. The aim is to reach less than 50 in 2030 and 0 by 2041

Get Involved

  • Let us know your views by filling out the short survey, which will take approximately 5 minutes to complete. It is an opportunity for you to tell us what you think and to ensure that your voice is heard as we refine the Strategy. 

  • Contribute to the map of priorities. These will be reviewed in the new year with a response provided on how we will use this data to inform our work.

  • Meet the team - a range of in-person and online engagement sessions will be organised for people to attend. Some of these have been confirmed and others are in the process of being finalised. For the latest information, please visit our dedicated Eventbrite page and check back for updates.

  • If you would like to see what the council's plans are for Walking & Wheeling and Cycling in Hounslow, our draft action plans for these modes are also available to review and comment on. Please see our Active Travel webpage for more information.

Next Steps

We will use your feedback to better understand whether the draft Transport Strategy reflects the vision, priorities and actions that local communities would like to see in Hounslow. We will make changes to the strategy based on this information, and the final strategy will be submitted to Borough Council for approval in early 2025.

If you would like a printed copy of this consultation, or an accessible alternative, such as Braille, large print or EasyRead, please email We are in the process of organising a British Sign Language (BSL) version of the survey which will be available shortly.


We are in the process of updating the borough’s Transport Strategy which was last published in 2019. The borough and how we live has changed substantially since then with more varied travel patterns in a post-pandemic world, a cost of living crisis and the declaration of a climate emergency. The relationship between transport, public health and equalities outcomes is also more pronounced. The context in which the council is operating is different and, in many ways, more challenging. In recognition of this, we would like to ensure the transport strategy is reflective of people living and working across the borough and considers the future of travel in Hounslow.

In July 2024, the council launched the first phase of consultation for its Transport Strategy Update to engage with residents and partners. Entitled ‘Moving Forward’, the aim of this engagement was to introduce the topic to stakeholders, understand how people get around the borough and what their priorities are. For details on the activities carried out between July and September, please see our Early Engagement Summary.

Below is an outline of what you have told us so far and what the council is going to do with the support of its partners:

This image shows the key feedback we have received so far, and how we are going to respond. You said: • More greening • More street trees • More electric vehicle charging points We will: • Deliver sustainable rain gardens • Rebalance streets in the interests of communities • Expand our electric vehicle charging network You said: • To cycle, walk or wheel for work, education and leisure trips • To see less congestion around schools and improved safety for walking, wheeling and cycling We will: • Develop a Cycling Action Plan for consultation • Make streets and schools more people friendly to support active travel You said: • Safer cycling routes for different users • More frequent buses that serve different journeys • Safer and more accessible buses We will: • Expand our all ability cycle training offer • Review the bus network and infrastructure • Prepare a Public Transport Plan You said: • Better awareness for safety and accessibility • More bus driver training to ensure buses stop at stops and near to pavements • More step free station access We will: • Continue to work with partners to make more stations step free by introducing lifts and ramps • Develop a Walking and Wheeling Action Plan for consultation

The Strategy has an overarching vision for everyone who lives, works, studies, or visits the borough:  

Our vision is for Hounslow’s transport network and public spaces to enable the development of a prosperous, healthy, accessible, and safe environment for all, supporting a fairer and more equal borough.

To achieve the vision, we have outlined four Strategic Moves to get us to where we want to be 

Strategic Move 1: Improve our local environment and respond to the climate emergency Strategic Move 2: Develop healthy places so people can live well Strategic Move 3: Support a more equitable, inclusive and sustainable economy Strategic Move 4: Enable safer and more accessible journeys

The vision and Strategic Moves will guide our work to achieve three core targets 

The targets are for more active, efficient and sustainable trips per year. Increasing from a baseline of 60% in 2022/23 to 66% in 2030 and 71% in 2041. The second target is for fewer people to be killed or seriously injured per year. In 2022/23, there were 141 people killed or seriously injured. The aim is to reach less than 50 in 2030 and 0 by 2041

Get Involved

  • Let us know your views by filling out the short survey, which will take approximately 5 minutes to complete. It is an opportunity for you to tell us what you think and to ensure that your voice is heard as we refine the Strategy. 

  • Contribute to the map of priorities. These will be reviewed in the new year with a response provided on how we will use this data to inform our work.

  • Meet the team - a range of in-person and online engagement sessions will be organised for people to attend. Some of these have been confirmed and others are in the process of being finalised. For the latest information, please visit our dedicated Eventbrite page and check back for updates.

  • If you would like to see what the council's plans are for Walking & Wheeling and Cycling in Hounslow, our draft action plans for these modes are also available to review and comment on. Please see our Active Travel webpage for more information.

Next Steps

We will use your feedback to better understand whether the draft Transport Strategy reflects the vision, priorities and actions that local communities would like to see in Hounslow. We will make changes to the strategy based on this information, and the final strategy will be submitted to Borough Council for approval in early 2025.

If you would like a printed copy of this consultation, or an accessible alternative, such as Braille, large print or EasyRead, please email We are in the process of organising a British Sign Language (BSL) version of the survey which will be available shortly.