What is Net Zero Neighbourhoods?

    Net Zero Neighbourhoods is a developing programme that aims to reduce the carbon footprint within neighbourhoods in a coordinated way by upgrading housing to improve energy efficiency and supporting the implementation of low carbon initiatives. The programme will trial a place-based model by delivering these improvements on a neighbourhood-to-neighbourhood basis. This approach can aid the Council to meet net zero targetsbring your energy costs down and create more resilient neighbourhoods

    What neighbourhoods have been selected?

    We have shortlisted a number of neighbourhoods around the borough based on a combination of factors including current energy efficiency ratingssuitability of housing based on typologyand opportunity for improvement. Shortlisted neighbourhoods could be part of first phase demonstrators.

    Why are we using Unique Reference Numbers?

    Each household has been assigned a Unique Reference Number in order to keep your response anonymous. When you submit a survey response, your response won’t be linked to your household address. We will use your Unique Reference Numbers to identify which households have not completed the survey and in person visits will be deployed to support you with the completion, if required.

    Where will the outcomes be published?

    Survey findings will be published on this page on Talk Hounslow. You will be able to re-visit this page from April 2024 and we’ll provide a link to download the findings.

    How will the outcomes influence the wider borough?

    We will use the travel choices you submit in the survey to calculate the collective community’s travel emissions for your neighbourhood. This will help us to estimate and measure the impact of different low carbon transportation solutions which can be introduced in order to bring the highest reduction in carbon emissions in your neighbourhood and create a cleaner environment to reside in.