Hounslow Town Primary - School Street extension on Pears Road

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Consultation has concluded

A map of Hounslow showing the area the School Street covers: Selbourne Avenue, Packham Mews and Pears Road up to James Street

Update as of 29 February 2024 

Thank you all for your feedback on the proposals to introduce a School Street access restriction on Pears Road, between the closure at Hyde House and its junction with James Street, for Hounslow Town Primary School.  

After receiving supportive results from the consultation, the scheme has been approved. The report outlining this decision can be viewed on the council’s website by visiting the following weblink -  

Full details of the scheme can be found below, 

The scheme is planned to go live on Monday 15 April 2024. 

If you are eligible for an exemption and would like to register for one, you can do so here - 


In recent years, the council has stepped up its efforts to tackle problems associated with traffic around schools at drop-off and pick-up times, notably road safety concerns, poor air quality and inconvenience to residents, through the introduction of School Street access restrictions. School Streets prohibit access to a road by motor vehicles during particular times of the day, around school start and finish times. 

 Following successful implementation of a School Street at the entrances to Hounslow Town Primary School on Pears Road (west of the closure at Hyde House) and School Road, and further to requests from residents and discussions local Councillors, we are now consulting on a proposal to implement a new School Street in your area.

What are we proposing?

The restriction will cover Pears Road between the closure at Hyde House and its junction with James Street, to provide a school street at the school entrance in this part of Pears Road. It will operate between Monday - Friday, 8.30 – 9.30am and 2.45 – 3.45pm, during school term timematching the times of the existing scheme.  

There will be exemptions for those who directly border the zone – that is Nos. 100, 102 and 105 to 121A Pears Road (odd only), 1-26 Packham Mews and ALL of Selbourne Avenue and their visitors, as well as blue badge holders, easily recognisable delivery vehicles (e.g. supermarket lorries). 

The school street will be enforced by the Council through the use of CCTV, which could be either mobile or fixed cameras. 


Why are we proposing this? 

The proposals form part of the Council’s commitment to promoting active travel (encourage children to walk, cycle and scoot to school), reduce pollution and improve safety outside the school.  


How to respond   

Full details of this proposal, including a plan, and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on School Streets are available on this site, along with a short survey we would encourage you to complete to let us know your views on the proposal. 

We welcome your feedback and would ask that you provide your comments on the scheme by 26 November 2023. 

As the Council are using a new consultation platform, you will be asked to complete a quick registration process, before going on to submit your responses to our survey, which can be found at the bottom of this webpage.

If you would like to request an accessible version of this consultation, such as large print, Easy Read or Braille, please email: consult@hounslow.gov.uk.

Paper copies of all consultations and surveys are available. To request one, please email consult@hounslow.gov.uk or call 020 8583 2000.

Update as of 29 February 2024 

Thank you all for your feedback on the proposals to introduce a School Street access restriction on Pears Road, between the closure at Hyde House and its junction with James Street, for Hounslow Town Primary School.  

After receiving supportive results from the consultation, the scheme has been approved. The report outlining this decision can be viewed on the council’s website by visiting the following weblink -  

Full details of the scheme can be found below, 

The scheme is planned to go live on Monday 15 April 2024. 

If you are eligible for an exemption and would like to register for one, you can do so here - 


In recent years, the council has stepped up its efforts to tackle problems associated with traffic around schools at drop-off and pick-up times, notably road safety concerns, poor air quality and inconvenience to residents, through the introduction of School Street access restrictions. School Streets prohibit access to a road by motor vehicles during particular times of the day, around school start and finish times. 

 Following successful implementation of a School Street at the entrances to Hounslow Town Primary School on Pears Road (west of the closure at Hyde House) and School Road, and further to requests from residents and discussions local Councillors, we are now consulting on a proposal to implement a new School Street in your area.

What are we proposing?

The restriction will cover Pears Road between the closure at Hyde House and its junction with James Street, to provide a school street at the school entrance in this part of Pears Road. It will operate between Monday - Friday, 8.30 – 9.30am and 2.45 – 3.45pm, during school term timematching the times of the existing scheme.  

There will be exemptions for those who directly border the zone – that is Nos. 100, 102 and 105 to 121A Pears Road (odd only), 1-26 Packham Mews and ALL of Selbourne Avenue and their visitors, as well as blue badge holders, easily recognisable delivery vehicles (e.g. supermarket lorries). 

The school street will be enforced by the Council through the use of CCTV, which could be either mobile or fixed cameras. 


Why are we proposing this? 

The proposals form part of the Council’s commitment to promoting active travel (encourage children to walk, cycle and scoot to school), reduce pollution and improve safety outside the school.  


How to respond   

Full details of this proposal, including a plan, and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on School Streets are available on this site, along with a short survey we would encourage you to complete to let us know your views on the proposal. 

We welcome your feedback and would ask that you provide your comments on the scheme by 26 November 2023. 

As the Council are using a new consultation platform, you will be asked to complete a quick registration process, before going on to submit your responses to our survey, which can be found at the bottom of this webpage.

If you would like to request an accessible version of this consultation, such as large print, Easy Read or Braille, please email: consult@hounslow.gov.uk.

Paper copies of all consultations and surveys are available. To request one, please email consult@hounslow.gov.uk or call 020 8583 2000.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Consultation has concluded
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