What is a conservation area?

    A conservation area is defined as “an area of special architectural or historic interest the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance;” in the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation) Act 1990). 

    There are currently 28 conservation areas in Hounslow

    Why do we want to introduce a conservation area?

    The Council is required to identify and designate areas of special character as conservation areas. The Glebe Estate represents the first working class housing in Chiswick and has a distinctive character and appearance worthy of protecting. 

    Where can I view other conservation area appraisals?

    The existing conservation area appraisals can be viewed on our webpage. https://www.hounslow.gov.uk/info/20010/planning_and_building/1868/conservation_area_appraisals_and_maps

    What is the purpose of a conservation area appraisal?

    The purpose of the appraisal is to provide an overview of historic developments and key components that contribute to the special interest, and support the designation of this new proposed conservation area.

    This appraisal will also identify positive and negative contributors as well as opportunities for improvement in order to inform a comprehensive understanding of the proposed conservation area.