Free Trees for Hounslow

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1-2-3: Hounslow marks the end of its third successful Free Trees for Hounslow initiative.

The ever-popular giveaway for 2023/2024 saw over 600 fruit trees given to residents and schools, while community and faith groups were offered the opportunity to apply for the first time.

Trees available to residents were:

  • 'Jonagold' Apple
  • 'Conference' Pear
  • 'Van' Cherry
  • 'Brown Turkey' Fig
  • 'Victoria' Plum

Hear what Cabinet Member for Recreation, Public Spaces and Parking, Councillor Shaheen had to say on the initiative, and listen to why some green-fingered residents love the annual giveaway.

Now, who has the prettiest tree? Send photos of your tree to the Parks team on , or tag the Council on Twitter/X at @LBofHounslow, using the hashtags #FreeTreesForHounslow and #HounslowGreentalk .

1-2-3: Hounslow marks the end of its third successful Free Trees for Hounslow initiative.

The ever-popular giveaway for 2023/2024 saw over 600 fruit trees given to residents and schools, while community and faith groups were offered the opportunity to apply for the first time.

Trees available to residents were:

  • 'Jonagold' Apple
  • 'Conference' Pear
  • 'Van' Cherry
  • 'Brown Turkey' Fig
  • 'Victoria' Plum

Hear what Cabinet Member for Recreation, Public Spaces and Parking, Councillor Shaheen had to say on the initiative, and listen to why some green-fingered residents love the annual giveaway.

Now, who has the prettiest tree? Send photos of your tree to the Parks team on , or tag the Council on Twitter/X at @LBofHounslow, using the hashtags #FreeTreesForHounslow and #HounslowGreentalk .

Page last updated: 22 Feb 2024, 10:44 AM