Volunteering in Hounslow Parks

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The Council and the Lampton Services Countryside team run a range of volunteering sessions as well as collaborate with volunteers from the borough to manage habitats across Hounslow.
These activities include but not limited to litter picking, Green Gyms (group conservation sessions), tree planting, bramble bashing, habitat surveying and more.

Volunteering in Hounslow Parks:

The Countryside team have expanded their usual volunteering to 6 new sites, come along and get stuck in with a range of tasks from wildlife surveying to glade creation and coppicing. A great way to immerse yourself in nature, meet new people and learn new skills.

Countryside Rangers volunteering schedule:

  • Every Monday from 10:45am to 3pm at Pevensey Road Open Space Local Nature Reserve with a break for hot drinks and lunch, meeting at the main gate on Hanworth Road.
  • Every Tuesday from 10.45am-2pm and every Wednesday from10am-3pm at Hounslow Heath Local Nature Reserve with a break for hot drinks and lunch, meeting at the Hounslow Heath visitor centre at the main entrance car park on Frampton Road.
  • Every 3rd Saturday meeting at the main entrance to Bedfont Lakes on Clockhouse Lane, outside the visitor centre. https://www.blcv.co.uk/ is their website for more information and to register interest in joining a session.

Contact details for all education, conservation and general enquiries is Countryside@hounslow.gov.uk or 07887410808

Boston Manor Park Volunteering Opportunities

Boston Manor Park run a range of events, education programmes, volunteering and work experience sessions all year round. To contact the Boston Manor Park team or to sign up for the Events newsletter, please email: bostonmanorpark@hounslow.gov.uk

The Natural Park Manager, Vanessa and Learning and Volunteer coordinator, Tash are happy to help with any queries.Find out more about the full schedule of activities here.

Events and activities include:

  • Health, well-being, and physical activity
  • Heritage and culture
  • Arts and crafts
  • Nature and wildlife
  • Gardening and conservation

Year-round Conservation and Gardening sessions:

  • Weekly adult gardening and conservation volunteering sessions every Tuesday, 10-12.30, meet by walled garden
  • Vegetable growing and gardening sessions in the walled garden, from April - September. Focusing on gentle plant care activities in an accessible space. Contact us to find out dates.
  • Volunteering sessions for young people (14+) (e.g. to complete DofE volunteer hours) and SEND young adults (up to 25yrs). Contact the team to find out dates.
  • Corporate volunteering sessions, with bespoke opportunities for teams to spend a day (or a few hours) in the park. A donation may be required towards park resources. Email to discuss options.

Self-guided trails, walks and runs – download the Activity Trails or follow the links:

  • Go Orienteering Trails: Find all the markers (‘controls’) hidden around the park. Boston Manor Park - Go Orienteering
  • Strava Running Club: Boston Manor Park’s own running club and running routes – look for the Club name ‘BMP2023’ on Strava. See Strava Running Club or link on the right
  • BMP Activity Trail 1 (Nature and Wellbeing) and Activity Trail 2 (Get to know the park!) see downloads on the right.

Pick up a free hard copy of the two trails from outside the Hub, in the Potting Shed café or Boston Manor House.


The Lampton Services Greenspace Countryside team offer larger scale corporate volunteering days with a range of seasonal tasks available including scrub clearance, tree coppicing, bulb planting, ditch and channel clearance, clearing tree compounds, creating new stag beetle habitats, willow screens and other habitat work.

Alongside this, there are bookable corporate team building days with a range of activities to choose from (see brochure on right-hand side!) including wild cooking, orienteering, bird box making and ice breaker games.

Boston Manor Park also offer corporate volunteering sessions, with bespoke opportunities for teams to spend a day (or a few hours) in the park. A donation may be required towards park resources. Email bostonmanorpark@hounslow.gov.uk to discuss options.

Schools and young people:

Hounslow's environmental education programme includes the opportunity for schools and youth groups to visit one of three key sites – Bedfont Lakes, Hounslow Heath or Crane Park, either for a half day or a full day of activities which could include bug hunting, pond dipping, shelter building, animal handling, and many more.

Boston Manor Park also hosts school workshops programme including a SEND programme and work experience. To find out more contact bostonmanorpark@hounslow.gov.uk

Opportunities include:

  • A parks ranger visit to schools (and more) where organised activities and equipment is provided for green space fun.
  • Regular term-time parent and toddler groups at Bedfont Lakes Country Park as well as fortnightly sessions for the home schooling community every Wednesday, 10am-12pm for the toddler sessions, and 2.15pm-3.45pm for the home school sessions.
  • Birthday parties at the weekends throughout the year, with a variety of activity choices including a treasure hunt, scarecrow making, bug hunting and animal handling.To book, please contact countryside@hounslow.gov.uk
  • Bookable activities during school holidays for a range of different age groups, including a Junior Rangers session where children aged 7+ are dropped off with us for three hours and experience a morning in the life of an education ranger looking after animals.
  • Volunteering for age 13 and over at the Countryside Team's small rescue animal centre.
  • Young people participating in their Duke of Edinburgh award and students seeking work experience placements through their schools or colleges are also welcome, with volunteering available throughout the week.
The Council and the Lampton Services Countryside team run a range of volunteering sessions as well as collaborate with volunteers from the borough to manage habitats across Hounslow.
These activities include but not limited to litter picking, Green Gyms (group conservation sessions), tree planting, bramble bashing, habitat surveying and more.

Volunteering in Hounslow Parks:

The Countryside team have expanded their usual volunteering to 6 new sites, come along and get stuck in with a range of tasks from wildlife surveying to glade creation and coppicing. A great way to immerse yourself in nature, meet new people and learn new skills.

Countryside Rangers volunteering schedule:

  • Every Monday from 10:45am to 3pm at Pevensey Road Open Space Local Nature Reserve with a break for hot drinks and lunch, meeting at the main gate on Hanworth Road.
  • Every Tuesday from 10.45am-2pm and every Wednesday from10am-3pm at Hounslow Heath Local Nature Reserve with a break for hot drinks and lunch, meeting at the Hounslow Heath visitor centre at the main entrance car park on Frampton Road.
  • Every 3rd Saturday meeting at the main entrance to Bedfont Lakes on Clockhouse Lane, outside the visitor centre. https://www.blcv.co.uk/ is their website for more information and to register interest in joining a session.

Contact details for all education, conservation and general enquiries is Countryside@hounslow.gov.uk or 07887410808

Boston Manor Park Volunteering Opportunities

Boston Manor Park run a range of events, education programmes, volunteering and work experience sessions all year round. To contact the Boston Manor Park team or to sign up for the Events newsletter, please email: bostonmanorpark@hounslow.gov.uk

The Natural Park Manager, Vanessa and Learning and Volunteer coordinator, Tash are happy to help with any queries.Find out more about the full schedule of activities here.

Events and activities include:

  • Health, well-being, and physical activity
  • Heritage and culture
  • Arts and crafts
  • Nature and wildlife
  • Gardening and conservation

Year-round Conservation and Gardening sessions:

  • Weekly adult gardening and conservation volunteering sessions every Tuesday, 10-12.30, meet by walled garden
  • Vegetable growing and gardening sessions in the walled garden, from April - September. Focusing on gentle plant care activities in an accessible space. Contact us to find out dates.
  • Volunteering sessions for young people (14+) (e.g. to complete DofE volunteer hours) and SEND young adults (up to 25yrs). Contact the team to find out dates.
  • Corporate volunteering sessions, with bespoke opportunities for teams to spend a day (or a few hours) in the park. A donation may be required towards park resources. Email to discuss options.

Self-guided trails, walks and runs – download the Activity Trails or follow the links:

  • Go Orienteering Trails: Find all the markers (‘controls’) hidden around the park. Boston Manor Park - Go Orienteering
  • Strava Running Club: Boston Manor Park’s own running club and running routes – look for the Club name ‘BMP2023’ on Strava. See Strava Running Club or link on the right
  • BMP Activity Trail 1 (Nature and Wellbeing) and Activity Trail 2 (Get to know the park!) see downloads on the right.

Pick up a free hard copy of the two trails from outside the Hub, in the Potting Shed café or Boston Manor House.


The Lampton Services Greenspace Countryside team offer larger scale corporate volunteering days with a range of seasonal tasks available including scrub clearance, tree coppicing, bulb planting, ditch and channel clearance, clearing tree compounds, creating new stag beetle habitats, willow screens and other habitat work.

Alongside this, there are bookable corporate team building days with a range of activities to choose from (see brochure on right-hand side!) including wild cooking, orienteering, bird box making and ice breaker games.

Boston Manor Park also offer corporate volunteering sessions, with bespoke opportunities for teams to spend a day (or a few hours) in the park. A donation may be required towards park resources. Email bostonmanorpark@hounslow.gov.uk to discuss options.

Schools and young people:

Hounslow's environmental education programme includes the opportunity for schools and youth groups to visit one of three key sites – Bedfont Lakes, Hounslow Heath or Crane Park, either for a half day or a full day of activities which could include bug hunting, pond dipping, shelter building, animal handling, and many more.

Boston Manor Park also hosts school workshops programme including a SEND programme and work experience. To find out more contact bostonmanorpark@hounslow.gov.uk

Opportunities include:

  • A parks ranger visit to schools (and more) where organised activities and equipment is provided for green space fun.
  • Regular term-time parent and toddler groups at Bedfont Lakes Country Park as well as fortnightly sessions for the home schooling community every Wednesday, 10am-12pm for the toddler sessions, and 2.15pm-3.45pm for the home school sessions.
  • Birthday parties at the weekends throughout the year, with a variety of activity choices including a treasure hunt, scarecrow making, bug hunting and animal handling.To book, please contact countryside@hounslow.gov.uk
  • Bookable activities during school holidays for a range of different age groups, including a Junior Rangers session where children aged 7+ are dropped off with us for three hours and experience a morning in the life of an education ranger looking after animals.
  • Volunteering for age 13 and over at the Countryside Team's small rescue animal centre.
  • Young people participating in their Duke of Edinburgh award and students seeking work experience placements through their schools or colleges are also welcome, with volunteering available throughout the week.


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I regularly join in with the "Pevensey Road Green Gym Rangers". It might be useful to include a link to the Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/PevenseyRoadGG so anyone curious can see what we get up to and what we look like !

syonist 3 months ago
Page last updated: 29 Jan 2025, 10:40 AM