High Street, Cranford, 'area' proposed Controlled Parking Zone

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Consultation has concluded

This consultation closed on 5 February 2024, an update will be available shortly which will summarise the findings and next steps. 

High street ‘area’, cranford proposed controlled parking zone (CPZ) preliminary consultation



A petition was received raising the issue of non-resident and long-stay parking in the High Street, Cranford ‘area’, as defined by the list of the roads below, which is reportedly due to the close proximity of Heathrow Airport. 


In response to these concerns, the Council are commencing a consultation with local residents regarding the possible introduction of a controlled parking zone (CPZ) and, therefore, are seeking your views to determine whether there is support for parking controls and, if so, the extent of this support.


Why are we proposing this? 

The introduction of a CPZ would provide time-based restrictions on parking and allow for enforcement against any long-stay non-resident vehicles parked within the area.


The proposed CPZ consultation will extend to include nearby roads which may be subject to the same issue of non-resident parking: Avenue Close, Avenue Crescent, Avenue Gardens, Brunel Close, Cole Gardens, Hawthorn Close, High Street, Keysham Avenue, Lynchen Close, Park Lane, Sandringham Gardens, Sheepcote Close and The Avenue.


It should be noted that, whilst residents of Kavan Gardens and Kavsan Place are being consulted, the proposed CPZ will not extend to include those private roads and residents would be exempt from purchasing parking permits if a CPZ were to be introduced in the surrounding roads.


At this stage, the council are only seeking to understand whether there is support for parking controls in the roads consulted and, should there be general support for a CPZ, a further ‘detailed design’ consultation will be undertaken in due course.


How to respond


Before completing this preliminary consultation, please refer to the information included with the letter issued to residents, available to view via the "Documents" section on the right-side, which provides a summary of how CPZs work and the costs involved. Once you are satisfied that you have sufficient information, please complete the short survey by clicking on the "Take Survey" button below by:

Monday 5 February 2024.


If you require this information in an alternative format or different language, please contact us by emailing consult@hounslow.gov.uk or calling 020 8583 3322.


We’re unable to respond directly to every respondent, however all feedback will be summarised and presented to your ward councillors along with our recommendations. The outcome of the consultation will be available to view on this webpage once a decision has been made, which is likely to be in late winter/early spring 2024.


You can also submit your comments to us in writing by email or post - please send any comments to us (quoting: ‘High Street, Cranford ‘area’ Proposed Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) Preliminary Consultation) to the email at the top of this page, or by post to the following address:

Traffic, Transport and Parking
Hounslow House
7 Bath Road



Drop-in sessions

Your feedback is very important to us and we welcome your attendance at one of the following sessions held at Cranford Library, Bath Road, TW5 9TL:


• Monday 15 January 2024. 5pm to 7pm


• Thursday 18 January 2024. Noon to 2pm


• Saturday 20 January 2024. 2pm to 4pm


What happens next

Following the end of consultation, feedback will be reviewed, and recommendations presented to Ward Councillors for a decision. This webpage will be updated with the outcome in due course.


Rajdeep Thind

Transport Projects Officer (Parking Management) 

Traffic, Transport and Parking

London Borough of Hounslow

Paper copies of all consultations and surveys are available. To request one, please email consult@hounslow.gov.uk or call 020 8583 2000.

This consultation closed on 5 February 2024, an update will be available shortly which will summarise the findings and next steps. 

High street ‘area’, cranford proposed controlled parking zone (CPZ) preliminary consultation



A petition was received raising the issue of non-resident and long-stay parking in the High Street, Cranford ‘area’, as defined by the list of the roads below, which is reportedly due to the close proximity of Heathrow Airport. 


In response to these concerns, the Council are commencing a consultation with local residents regarding the possible introduction of a controlled parking zone (CPZ) and, therefore, are seeking your views to determine whether there is support for parking controls and, if so, the extent of this support.


Why are we proposing this? 

The introduction of a CPZ would provide time-based restrictions on parking and allow for enforcement against any long-stay non-resident vehicles parked within the area.


The proposed CPZ consultation will extend to include nearby roads which may be subject to the same issue of non-resident parking: Avenue Close, Avenue Crescent, Avenue Gardens, Brunel Close, Cole Gardens, Hawthorn Close, High Street, Keysham Avenue, Lynchen Close, Park Lane, Sandringham Gardens, Sheepcote Close and The Avenue.


It should be noted that, whilst residents of Kavan Gardens and Kavsan Place are being consulted, the proposed CPZ will not extend to include those private roads and residents would be exempt from purchasing parking permits if a CPZ were to be introduced in the surrounding roads.


At this stage, the council are only seeking to understand whether there is support for parking controls in the roads consulted and, should there be general support for a CPZ, a further ‘detailed design’ consultation will be undertaken in due course.


How to respond


Before completing this preliminary consultation, please refer to the information included with the letter issued to residents, available to view via the "Documents" section on the right-side, which provides a summary of how CPZs work and the costs involved. Once you are satisfied that you have sufficient information, please complete the short survey by clicking on the "Take Survey" button below by:

Monday 5 February 2024.


If you require this information in an alternative format or different language, please contact us by emailing consult@hounslow.gov.uk or calling 020 8583 3322.


We’re unable to respond directly to every respondent, however all feedback will be summarised and presented to your ward councillors along with our recommendations. The outcome of the consultation will be available to view on this webpage once a decision has been made, which is likely to be in late winter/early spring 2024.


You can also submit your comments to us in writing by email or post - please send any comments to us (quoting: ‘High Street, Cranford ‘area’ Proposed Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) Preliminary Consultation) to the email at the top of this page, or by post to the following address:

Traffic, Transport and Parking
Hounslow House
7 Bath Road



Drop-in sessions

Your feedback is very important to us and we welcome your attendance at one of the following sessions held at Cranford Library, Bath Road, TW5 9TL:


• Monday 15 January 2024. 5pm to 7pm


• Thursday 18 January 2024. Noon to 2pm


• Saturday 20 January 2024. 2pm to 4pm


What happens next

Following the end of consultation, feedback will be reviewed, and recommendations presented to Ward Councillors for a decision. This webpage will be updated with the outcome in due course.


Rajdeep Thind

Transport Projects Officer (Parking Management) 

Traffic, Transport and Parking

London Borough of Hounslow

Paper copies of all consultations and surveys are available. To request one, please email consult@hounslow.gov.uk or call 020 8583 2000.

  • This consultation closed on 5 February 2024, an update will be available shortly which will summarise the findings and next steps. CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Consultation has concluded
    Share High Street, Cranford, 'area' proposed Controlled Parking Zone on Facebook Share High Street, Cranford, 'area' proposed Controlled Parking Zone on Twitter Share High Street, Cranford, 'area' proposed Controlled Parking Zone on Linkedin Email High Street, Cranford, 'area' proposed Controlled Parking Zone link