What if you get a lot of questions asking the same thing?

    If we get the same question asked a number of times we may combine this into a frequently asked question and indicate that many people have raised this. The chair can still ask a person to attend on the night to ask the question. 

    I've submitted a question, why can't I see it on the question list straight away?

    There is moderation of what appears on this site which allows for sifting of any offensive comments and rejection of any clear political campaigning. 

    There is no desire to amend questions where they are clear, relevant and not causing offence.

    Do I need to register to submit a question?

    There are four ways you can ask a question:

    1) You can type your question on to this webpage in your own words. To do that you will need to have registered on Let's Talk Hounslow using the button at the top right of this page. Registration asks you to give a name and your postcode. It is also helpful if you complete some optional detail about yourself so we can monitor if we are reaching across communities in Hounslow. 

    2) You can email your question to engage@hounslow.gov.uk and an officer will add it to the list published on this site.

    3) You can send in a question by post, ensuring it reaches the Council by 23rd March. Send to Engagement Team, London Borough of Hounslow, 7 Bath Road, Hounslow TW3 3EB.

    4) You can turn up on the night and raise your hand to ask a question. As many questions will be answered as time allows. 

    What can I ask?

    That is up to you but it is not a suitable forum to ask about detailed personal issues. If you need help with an issue directly affecting you or your household please contact https://www.hounslow.gov.uk/report 

    Questions about broad themes or issues which affect many people are more likely to be chosen for the panel to answer on the night. You may find Area Forums, run by ward councillors, more appropriate for exploring issues about your local neighbourhood. 

    When will Cabinet Question Time be in my area?

    Watch this space for detail of further Cabinet Question Time events, there are likely to be at least four in 2023/24.

    Does the panel receive the questions in advance?
