Climate Change Supplementary Planning Document Consultation

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SPD Front Cover

The Council has prepared draft guidance for developers who build homes, offices and other buildings in the borough, on how to ensure every new or refurbished building has net-zero carbon emissions and is suitable for the way the climate is expected to change in the future. This guidance is called the Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).

This document will play a crucial role in shaping future development to help the borough supporting the council to achieve the net zero carbon emissions targets it has set in its Climate Emergency Action Plan and ensuring that local people can live, work and thrive in sustainable, healthy, and well-designed places. Once adopted, developers will be expected to take account of this guidance in preparing proposals for new development in the borough.

The current version of the SPD has been extensively updated following a first consultation which took place in summer 2023. Your responses to that consultation, and the changes made to the SPD as a result, are summarised in the accompanying Consultation Statement.

We are now consulting again to provide an additional opportunity for borough residents, businesses and other stakeholders to comment on a version of the document that is as close as possible to the final Adoption Version. Amendments made after this consultation period are expected to be minimal, focussing on the accuracy of the document and ensuring that the changes that were made to the document reflected the feedback that you gave us.

If you wish to provide feedback on the SPD, please respond to the short questionnaire below. The consultation will be open 1-31 July 2024. It is anticipated that the final version of the SPD will be adopted by the council later in 2024.

If you have any questions about the consultation process, please contact the Spatial Planning Team at, or call 020 8583 3419.

The Council has prepared draft guidance for developers who build homes, offices and other buildings in the borough, on how to ensure every new or refurbished building has net-zero carbon emissions and is suitable for the way the climate is expected to change in the future. This guidance is called the Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).

This document will play a crucial role in shaping future development to help the borough supporting the council to achieve the net zero carbon emissions targets it has set in its Climate Emergency Action Plan and ensuring that local people can live, work and thrive in sustainable, healthy, and well-designed places. Once adopted, developers will be expected to take account of this guidance in preparing proposals for new development in the borough.

The current version of the SPD has been extensively updated following a first consultation which took place in summer 2023. Your responses to that consultation, and the changes made to the SPD as a result, are summarised in the accompanying Consultation Statement.

We are now consulting again to provide an additional opportunity for borough residents, businesses and other stakeholders to comment on a version of the document that is as close as possible to the final Adoption Version. Amendments made after this consultation period are expected to be minimal, focussing on the accuracy of the document and ensuring that the changes that were made to the document reflected the feedback that you gave us.

If you wish to provide feedback on the SPD, please respond to the short questionnaire below. The consultation will be open 1-31 July 2024. It is anticipated that the final version of the SPD will be adopted by the council later in 2024.

If you have any questions about the consultation process, please contact the Spatial Planning Team at, or call 020 8583 3419.

  • Please use the questions below to provide your feedback on the draft Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation SPD.

    Please note that, following the consultation, your comments and your name or the organisation you represent will be published on the Council's website. However, we will not publish personal information, such as telephone numbers or email addresses. 

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Page published: 01 Jul 2024, 10:25 AM