Worple Road Area Controlled Parking Zone Review

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This consultation closed on 22 December 2023, an update will be available shortly which will summarise the findings and next steps. 


Following the introduction of the Worple Road ‘area’ controlled parking zone (CPZ) in April 2021, the council is now commencing a review of the scheme to understand the views of those who live or work within the zone on the effectiveness, or otherwise, of the CPZ and whether changes are required. 


The CPZ, which operates between Monday-Sunday, 9am-11am & 5pm-7pm, incorporates Algar Road, Byfield Road, Magdala Road, Tolson Road and Worple Road (between its junctions with South Street and Queens Terrace)


The survey primarily focuses on the three aspects detailed below, but all views on the existing scheme are welcomed.


Has the CPZ improved the parking situation – is the CPZ is having the desired effect of removing all day, non-residential parking and increasing parking provisions for residents and associated visitors or, alternatively, have the parking controls had a negative impact in the area?


Operational times of the CPZ – the current operational times of the CPZ are Monday-Sunday, 9am-11am & 5pm-7pm and the intention was to remove ‘all-day’ non-residential parking. Whilst the council are aware of some concerns that the existing operational times are excessive, particularly in the evening, the council would welcome local feedback to help identify what, if any, changes are required. 


Existing parking scheme layout – the current scheme layout includes both ‘resident permit’ and ‘shared-use’ (permit holders and ‘pay to park’ users) parking bays along with single and double yellow lines, as well as incorporating ‘permit parking areas’ (where limited road markings have been provided). Local feedback would help inform the council of the suitability of the existing scheme layout and whether any changes should be considered further to improve or alleviate any known parking issues. 


The survey is also an opportunity for local feedback on any CPZ-related issues that may not be covered by the above topics.

How to respond   

Please complete the short survey by clicking on the “Take Survey” button below by Friday 22 December 2023. A copy of the consultation letter plus some additional information can be accessed using the links on the right hand side of this page. 

As the council are using a new consultation platform, you will need to complete a quick registration process first before submitting responses to our survey. Registration is a quick process – click on ‘Take Survey’ below and you will be prompted to register once by giving some basic details such as email address / name, and by creating a password. 


You can also submit your comments to us in writing by email or post - please send any comments to us (quoting: ‘WorpleRoadCPZ/Review’) to the email at the top of this page, or by post to the following address:

Traffic, Transport and Parking
Hounslow House
7 Bath Road



The closing date for this consultation is Friday 22 December 2023


If you require this information in a different language or format, please get in touch with the team via consult@hounslow.gov.uk or calling 020 8583 3322 and we will endeavour to provide this for you.

Please be aware that we may be unable to respond directly to every respondent, however all feedback will be summarised and considered as part of the consultation process. The outcome of the consultation will be available to view on this webpage once a decision has been made, which, subject to no unforeseen delays, is anticipated to be in January - February 2024

Paper copies of all consultations and surveys are available. To request one, please email consult@hounslow.gov.uk or call 020 8583 2000.

This consultation closed on 22 December 2023, an update will be available shortly which will summarise the findings and next steps. 


Following the introduction of the Worple Road ‘area’ controlled parking zone (CPZ) in April 2021, the council is now commencing a review of the scheme to understand the views of those who live or work within the zone on the effectiveness, or otherwise, of the CPZ and whether changes are required. 


The CPZ, which operates between Monday-Sunday, 9am-11am & 5pm-7pm, incorporates Algar Road, Byfield Road, Magdala Road, Tolson Road and Worple Road (between its junctions with South Street and Queens Terrace)


The survey primarily focuses on the three aspects detailed below, but all views on the existing scheme are welcomed.


Has the CPZ improved the parking situation – is the CPZ is having the desired effect of removing all day, non-residential parking and increasing parking provisions for residents and associated visitors or, alternatively, have the parking controls had a negative impact in the area?


Operational times of the CPZ – the current operational times of the CPZ are Monday-Sunday, 9am-11am & 5pm-7pm and the intention was to remove ‘all-day’ non-residential parking. Whilst the council are aware of some concerns that the existing operational times are excessive, particularly in the evening, the council would welcome local feedback to help identify what, if any, changes are required. 


Existing parking scheme layout – the current scheme layout includes both ‘resident permit’ and ‘shared-use’ (permit holders and ‘pay to park’ users) parking bays along with single and double yellow lines, as well as incorporating ‘permit parking areas’ (where limited road markings have been provided). Local feedback would help inform the council of the suitability of the existing scheme layout and whether any changes should be considered further to improve or alleviate any known parking issues. 


The survey is also an opportunity for local feedback on any CPZ-related issues that may not be covered by the above topics.

How to respond   

Please complete the short survey by clicking on the “Take Survey” button below by Friday 22 December 2023. A copy of the consultation letter plus some additional information can be accessed using the links on the right hand side of this page. 

As the council are using a new consultation platform, you will need to complete a quick registration process first before submitting responses to our survey. Registration is a quick process – click on ‘Take Survey’ below and you will be prompted to register once by giving some basic details such as email address / name, and by creating a password. 


You can also submit your comments to us in writing by email or post - please send any comments to us (quoting: ‘WorpleRoadCPZ/Review’) to the email at the top of this page, or by post to the following address:

Traffic, Transport and Parking
Hounslow House
7 Bath Road



The closing date for this consultation is Friday 22 December 2023


If you require this information in a different language or format, please get in touch with the team via consult@hounslow.gov.uk or calling 020 8583 3322 and we will endeavour to provide this for you.

Please be aware that we may be unable to respond directly to every respondent, however all feedback will be summarised and considered as part of the consultation process. The outcome of the consultation will be available to view on this webpage once a decision has been made, which, subject to no unforeseen delays, is anticipated to be in January - February 2024

Paper copies of all consultations and surveys are available. To request one, please email consult@hounslow.gov.uk or call 020 8583 2000.

  • This consultation closed on 22 December 2023, an update will be available shortly which will summarise the findings and next steps.
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