Wellington Road South Bus stop accessibility improvements
Consultation has concluded
We would like your views on proposals to improve accessibility for several bus stops along Wellington Road South.
We recently carried out a consultation between 19th February to 18th March 2024. The consultation sought feedback on the installation of a red route, enhancements to multiple bus stops, and the proposed road closure at the junction of St Helier’s Avenue and Wellington Road South. We understand from the feedback we gathered, there are concerns regarding the red route on Wellington Road South and the potential closure of St Helier’s Avenue, and please rest assured that these concerns have been carefully noted.
We note there was positive feedback regarding bus stop accessibility and improvements around the bus stops. In light of this, we would like to re-engage with you on updated proposals to enhance accessibility at several bus stops along Wellington Road South.
Your views are invaluable, and we invite your input on these revised proposals to ensure they meet community needs effectively.
Wellington Road South: Proposed bus stop improvements
We are proposing changes to several bus stops along Wellington Road South which you can find on the attached plans. These include relocating bus stops to wider footways and widening existing footways as well as adjusting kerb heights to accommodate wheelchair and pram users. Furthermore, two bus stops are proposed to install bus shelters
Image of Wellington Road South:
Plans detailing the proposals are available by clicking on 'plans of proposals' to the right of this page. A copy of the consultation letter can also be viewed in the 'Documents' section to the right.
These proposals form part of a wider three-year initiative called Community Led Schemes, local traffic improvement schemes, which are informed by feedback from Hounslow residents, businesses and ward/local councillors. For more information, please scan the QR code below or visit our website.
How to respond:
We're carrying out this consultation to hear your views on the proposals. We welcome feedback and comments that can help inform our plans and would appreciate you filling out the short survey by clicking 'Give us your views' below.
You can also submit your comments to us in writing by email or post - please send any comments to us (quoting: Wellington Road South CLS) to: consult@hounslow.gov.uk, or by post to the following address:
Traffic, Transport and Environmental Strategy
Hounslow House
7 Bath Road
The closing date for this consultation is 16 December 2024.
Should you need this information in an alternative format, please email consult@hounslow.gov.uk to request this.
What happens next
Following the end of consultation, feedback will be reviewed, and recommendations presented to Ward Councillors for a decision. This webpage will be updated with the outcome in due course.
Please note, that we are not able to respond directly to every respondent, but all feedback will be summarised and presented to your local councillors, along with our recommendations, for their consideration. We will update the consultation webpage with that information once a decision has been made.
Paper copies of all consultations and surveys are available. To request one, please email consult@hounslow.gov.uk or call 020 8583 2000.