The Ham, Brentford - Pedestrian Accessibility Improvements

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Consultation has concluded

The Ham, Brentford - Pedestrian Accessibility Improvements consultation closed 12 August 2024.  

Thank you to everyone that responded to the consultation. We have shared a summary for the responses below, including details of the commencement of works below. 

What we consulted on 

As part of the Council’s commitment to promote walking and wheeling, proposals were developed to improve the footways on The Ham, Brentford. The existing footways on The Ham are narrow, uneven and in poor condition. There are also significant obstructions on the footways from the presence of kerbs and poorly located street furniture.

Plans outlining the proposals can be found under "Consultation Plan" on the right hand side of this page and the main changes are summarised below:

  • Introduction of dropped kerbs at vehicle access points to off-street parking and properties.
  • Widening of the footways at most locations on The Ham where space permits.
  • Resurfacing of all footways on The Ham.
  • Creation of a new footway outside Teddies Nurseries.
  • Implementation of a new crossing point outside Teddies Nurseries.
  • Implementation of new planting area and 2 trees outside Teddies Nurseries.
  • Relocation of street furniture from the middle of the footway

These proposals aim to improve pedestrian accessibility on The Ham by creating more space, removing obstacles/obstructions and providing a decent quality footway surface, which would help to improve pedestrian safety and encourage people to walk and wheel.  

Who responded 

A total of 111 properties around The Ham were consulted, 8 (7.2%) responses to the survey were received. 

What did people say?

The scheme had positive feedback, including at the drop-in session conducted on the 25 July 2024 as well as at the resident feedback event on the 30 July 2024. The two events did not have a high turnout however they provided officers with valuable positive feedback. 

Following analysis of the consultation results, a Chief Officer Decision report was published outlining that 'respondents to the consultation are in favour of the proposal'. Recommendations were approved to implement the accessibility improvements, and further detail can be found on our website here:

Next steps:

Works on site are programmed to start on the 3rd of February 2025 and expected to be on site for a duration of approximately a month

The Ham, Brentford - Pedestrian Accessibility Improvements consultation closed 12 August 2024.  

Thank you to everyone that responded to the consultation. We have shared a summary for the responses below, including details of the commencement of works below. 

What we consulted on 

As part of the Council’s commitment to promote walking and wheeling, proposals were developed to improve the footways on The Ham, Brentford. The existing footways on The Ham are narrow, uneven and in poor condition. There are also significant obstructions on the footways from the presence of kerbs and poorly located street furniture.

Plans outlining the proposals can be found under "Consultation Plan" on the right hand side of this page and the main changes are summarised below:

  • Introduction of dropped kerbs at vehicle access points to off-street parking and properties.
  • Widening of the footways at most locations on The Ham where space permits.
  • Resurfacing of all footways on The Ham.
  • Creation of a new footway outside Teddies Nurseries.
  • Implementation of a new crossing point outside Teddies Nurseries.
  • Implementation of new planting area and 2 trees outside Teddies Nurseries.
  • Relocation of street furniture from the middle of the footway

These proposals aim to improve pedestrian accessibility on The Ham by creating more space, removing obstacles/obstructions and providing a decent quality footway surface, which would help to improve pedestrian safety and encourage people to walk and wheel.  

Who responded 

A total of 111 properties around The Ham were consulted, 8 (7.2%) responses to the survey were received. 

What did people say?

The scheme had positive feedback, including at the drop-in session conducted on the 25 July 2024 as well as at the resident feedback event on the 30 July 2024. The two events did not have a high turnout however they provided officers with valuable positive feedback. 

Following analysis of the consultation results, a Chief Officer Decision report was published outlining that 'respondents to the consultation are in favour of the proposal'. Recommendations were approved to implement the accessibility improvements, and further detail can be found on our website here:

Next steps:

Works on site are programmed to start on the 3rd of February 2025 and expected to be on site for a duration of approximately a month

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Consultation has concluded
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