Redlees Park Entrance & Car Park

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Consultation has concluded

This consultation closed on 11 December 2023.

Who responded?

We would like to thank all those who took part in this consultation. 120 people responded to this consultation to show their level of support for the scheme. 68.3% of respondents expressed a preference for Permit formal parking on tarmac

A link to the Redlees Park Landscape Changes Consultation Report is available is available in the Documents section.


Following the consultation that took place in 2023, the preference of the local community was to provide formal parking for the Bowls Club and Artists Studio whilst providing increased pedestrian protection for users of the park. These principles have been taken forward and the Council is in the process of procuring a specialist contractor. 

The decision to allow a section of park land to accommodate a parking area for particular users is one which must be undertaken carefully and with sensitivity to the surrounding landscape.

The consultation highlighted a desire for greening of the entrance so we are taking a nature sensitive approach incorporating sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDs) and rain gardens. These structures will create a boundary that separates the paid parking from the members parking.

Future consultation steps will make every effort to encourage greater involvement of those who are underrepresented in these results. 

Next Steps

After appointing a specialist contractor, the final proposals will be presented to the community prior to implementation, with a focus on encouraging participation from groups underrepresented in these results. 

The council would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your participation in this process. All responses have been read in detail and will be taken into consideration as part of any future plans for the site. If you have any further comments or questions regarding this site, please do feel free to contact us directly. You can also email for any comments, questions, or repair requests regarding the site. 

This consultation closed on 11 December 2023.

Who responded?

We would like to thank all those who took part in this consultation. 120 people responded to this consultation to show their level of support for the scheme. 68.3% of respondents expressed a preference for Permit formal parking on tarmac

A link to the Redlees Park Landscape Changes Consultation Report is available is available in the Documents section.


Following the consultation that took place in 2023, the preference of the local community was to provide formal parking for the Bowls Club and Artists Studio whilst providing increased pedestrian protection for users of the park. These principles have been taken forward and the Council is in the process of procuring a specialist contractor. 

The decision to allow a section of park land to accommodate a parking area for particular users is one which must be undertaken carefully and with sensitivity to the surrounding landscape.

The consultation highlighted a desire for greening of the entrance so we are taking a nature sensitive approach incorporating sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDs) and rain gardens. These structures will create a boundary that separates the paid parking from the members parking.

Future consultation steps will make every effort to encourage greater involvement of those who are underrepresented in these results. 

Next Steps

After appointing a specialist contractor, the final proposals will be presented to the community prior to implementation, with a focus on encouraging participation from groups underrepresented in these results. 

The council would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your participation in this process. All responses have been read in detail and will be taken into consideration as part of any future plans for the site. If you have any further comments or questions regarding this site, please do feel free to contact us directly. You can also email for any comments, questions, or repair requests regarding the site.