Newlands Close 'area' Proposed Controlled Parking Zone

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Consultation has concluded

This consultation closed on Thursday 29 February 2024, an update will be available shortly which will summarise the findings and next steps


Following a petition received by the council, about non-resident and long-stay parking on Newlands Close, Southall, the council are consulting on a proposed controlled parking zone (CPZ) for the Newlands Close area. 

As you may recall, the council carried out a consultation exercise in June 2017 that showed a lack of support for introducing parking controls in this area. However, in light of this recent petition, the council has agreed to undertake a new consultation and assess whether resident’s views have changed since that time.

What we are proposing

The petition reports that commuter and long-stay parking is impacting on the availability of parking for residents and, as a result, residents are now seeking the introduction of CPZ to resolve these difficulties. While the petition specifically relates to Newlands Close, on-street observations have shown a high density of parking on a number of surrounding roads. Therefore the proposed CPZ consultation will extend to include: Convent Way; Holly Farm Road; Kings Arbour; Newlands Close; North Hyde Lane (in part); Prestwick Close; Raleigh Road; Ringway, Rostrevor Gardens; Shannon Close; Wentworth Road.

At this stage the purpose of the consultation is simply to understand residents' views on the existing parking pressures on their own roads and whether a CPZ would be beneficial. 


It is quite possible that any parking problems may be confined to a smaller area than that being consulted, or that concerns extend beyond where complaints have been received or that there is no significant support for parking controls throughout the area. 

Should there be general support for a CPZ, a further ‘detailed design’ consultation will be undertaken in due course.

How to respond 

We're carrying out this consultation to hear your views on the proposals. We welcome feedback and comments that can help inform our plans, and would appreciate you filling out the short survey below. 

Before completing this preliminary consultation, please refer to the information included in the resident letter found in the sidebar to the right. This provides a summary of how CPZ's work, as well as information on the costs of resident parking permits. You can also find a copy of the plan showing the proposed extents of the CPZ on the right hand side of this page.

Once you are satisfied that you have sufficient information, we would be grateful if you can complete the short survey found below.

As the council are using a new consultation platform you will need to complete a quick registration process first before submitting responses to our survey. Registration is a quick process - click on 'Take Survey' below and you will be prompted to register once by giving some basic details such as email address ./ name, and by creating a password.

You can also submit your comments to us in writing by email or post - please send any comments to us (quoting: Newlands Close 'area' proposed CPZ) to:, or by post to the following address:

Traffic, Transport and Parking
Hounslow House
7 Bath Road

The closing date for this consultation is now changed to 29 February 2024.

If you require this information in a different language or format, please get in touch with the team via and we will endeavour to provide this for you. 

What happens next

We are not able to respond directly to every respondent, but all feedback will be reviewed and summarised, and recommendations presented to Ward Councillors for their consideration. This webpage will be updated with the outcome in due course.

Paper copies of all consultations and surveys are available. To request one, please email or call 020 8583 2000.

This consultation closed on Thursday 29 February 2024, an update will be available shortly which will summarise the findings and next steps


Following a petition received by the council, about non-resident and long-stay parking on Newlands Close, Southall, the council are consulting on a proposed controlled parking zone (CPZ) for the Newlands Close area. 

As you may recall, the council carried out a consultation exercise in June 2017 that showed a lack of support for introducing parking controls in this area. However, in light of this recent petition, the council has agreed to undertake a new consultation and assess whether resident’s views have changed since that time.

What we are proposing

The petition reports that commuter and long-stay parking is impacting on the availability of parking for residents and, as a result, residents are now seeking the introduction of CPZ to resolve these difficulties. While the petition specifically relates to Newlands Close, on-street observations have shown a high density of parking on a number of surrounding roads. Therefore the proposed CPZ consultation will extend to include: Convent Way; Holly Farm Road; Kings Arbour; Newlands Close; North Hyde Lane (in part); Prestwick Close; Raleigh Road; Ringway, Rostrevor Gardens; Shannon Close; Wentworth Road.

At this stage the purpose of the consultation is simply to understand residents' views on the existing parking pressures on their own roads and whether a CPZ would be beneficial. 


It is quite possible that any parking problems may be confined to a smaller area than that being consulted, or that concerns extend beyond where complaints have been received or that there is no significant support for parking controls throughout the area. 

Should there be general support for a CPZ, a further ‘detailed design’ consultation will be undertaken in due course.

How to respond 

We're carrying out this consultation to hear your views on the proposals. We welcome feedback and comments that can help inform our plans, and would appreciate you filling out the short survey below. 

Before completing this preliminary consultation, please refer to the information included in the resident letter found in the sidebar to the right. This provides a summary of how CPZ's work, as well as information on the costs of resident parking permits. You can also find a copy of the plan showing the proposed extents of the CPZ on the right hand side of this page.

Once you are satisfied that you have sufficient information, we would be grateful if you can complete the short survey found below.

As the council are using a new consultation platform you will need to complete a quick registration process first before submitting responses to our survey. Registration is a quick process - click on 'Take Survey' below and you will be prompted to register once by giving some basic details such as email address ./ name, and by creating a password.

You can also submit your comments to us in writing by email or post - please send any comments to us (quoting: Newlands Close 'area' proposed CPZ) to:, or by post to the following address:

Traffic, Transport and Parking
Hounslow House
7 Bath Road

The closing date for this consultation is now changed to 29 February 2024.

If you require this information in a different language or format, please get in touch with the team via and we will endeavour to provide this for you. 

What happens next

We are not able to respond directly to every respondent, but all feedback will be reviewed and summarised, and recommendations presented to Ward Councillors for their consideration. This webpage will be updated with the outcome in due course.

Paper copies of all consultations and surveys are available. To request one, please email or call 020 8583 2000.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This consultation closed on Thursday 29 February 2024, an update will be available shortly which will summarise the findings and next steps

    Consultation has concluded
    Share Newlands Close 'area' proposed CPZ on Facebook Share Newlands Close 'area' proposed CPZ on Twitter Share Newlands Close 'area' proposed CPZ on Linkedin Email Newlands Close 'area' proposed CPZ link