What is a Local Plan?

    A Local Plan is a strategy by local authorities that outlines its vision and future development strategy for housing, businesses and infrastructure in the borough, as well as the protection of our heritage assets and the natural environment. At the heart of Hounslow Council’s Local Plan is establishing how the strategy can benefit residents, businesses and communities for the long-term.

    What is a Regulation 19 Consultation?

    Regulation 19 Consultation is the final statutory consultation stage on a Local Plan. 

    This is the version of the Local Plan the Council intends to submit by government appointed planning inspectors. At this stage, comments can only be made on the Soundness and Legal Compliance of the Plan (details about which can be found on the consultation homepage). Comments made are then submitted with the Local Plan, to the independent examiner, for their consideration.

    Please note that all comments made on previous iterations of the Plan, both at Regulation 18 in December 2023, and at earlier stages of the Local Plan Reviews, have been taken into account in producing the current Local Plan. 

    Even if you've made comments on the previous version of the Local Plan, you have the opportunity to do so again if your comments are still relevant. The Local Plan examination will be based around matters raised by representations made on this Proposed Submission Version of the Local Plan rather than previous versions.

    Why is Hounslow’s local plan being updated?

    In order to best serve Hounslow's community it is important to have an up-to-date Local Plan in place to shape future growth in the Borough by:

    • Delivering much needed new homes for local people, including genuinely affordable housing.  
    • Allocating land for the development of new employment and commercial sites.   
    • Providing a framework for regeneration in Hounslow’s town centres.   
    • Delivering enhanced community infrastructure and improved transport links.  
    • Creating local job opportunities

    This single, comprehensive, updated Local Plan will help enable positive development in the Borough that meets the needs of communities, addresses climate change and enhances the built and natural environment.   

    The new plan will also complement London’s new capital-wide plan that was published in 2021, ensuring that it reflects and builds upon the vision, objectives and planning policies in the London Plan.  

    The single Local Plan review is programmed to be adopted in 2025 and will be a central consideration in the assessment and determination of planning applications in the borough.  

    Will any public events be held during the consultation period?

    Consultation Drop in Events

    As part of the consultation, we will be holding two drop-in sessions to give you the opportunity to speak to planning officers from the Council to help answer any questions you have about the Hounslow Local Plan 2020-2041: Proposed Submission version. Details of the drop in sessions are as follows:

    Hounslow House

    •    When? Monday 7th October between 16:30 – 20:30

    •    Where? Room 6.06/6.07, 6th Floor, Hounslow House, 7 Bath Road, Hounslow, TW3 3EB

    •    How do I attend? Please report to the Main Reception area at Hounslow House and ask an available member of staff where the Local Plan drop in session is located.


    Digital Dock, Brentford

    •    When? Wednesday 9th October between 16:00 – 20:00

    •    Where? Digital Dock, 205 High Street, Brentford, TW8 8AH 

    •    How do I attend? Please press the intercom button at Digital Dock and ask to be admitted to attend the Local Plan drop in session.

    How does this affect West of the Borough and the Great West Corridor?

    The Plans for the Great West Corridor and the West of the Borough are integrated within the updated version of the Hounslow Local Plan, therefore, the policies and supporting information in these plans will still be included in the final version, with updates where necessary.

    Will Hounslow’s emerging Local Plan need to be paused and updated to reflect the government’s proposed changes to the planning system?

    No. The proposed changes that inform the amount of homes boroughs need to plan for do not affect Hounslow’s housing target in the emerging Local Plan. The consultation proposals are clear that for areas covered by a Spatial Development Strategy (SDS), such as the London Plan, the housing requirement for emerging local plans will continue to be set by the SDS and therefore, Hounslow’s housing target remains as set out in the London Plan. This means that the Local Plan will be considered under “transitionary arrangements” so will be assessed against the current planning framework, the National Planning Policy Framework (2023 version). Irrespective of this, the emerging Local Plan is also broadly compliant with the other proposed changes in the government’s consultation.