How secure are bike hangars?
A minimum length of 12.5m of double yellow line is required from the junction to ensure that all vehicles are able to turn safety in and out of the junction.
Single yellow lines may act as passing points on a narrow road.
How secure are bike hangars?
Hangars are secured by padded steel locks, which requires a substantial effort and noise to be broken into.
As part of the assessment for the location for a bike hangar, the safety of those using the hangar and the security of the cycles in the hangar is considered. Therefore, locations will be overlooked by one or more of the following factors: street lighting, neighbouring houses and CCTV.
How much do I have to pay for a rental space within the hangar?
The council covers the installation cost of new bikehangar and also provides a 50% subsidy on the cost of renting spaces. Therefore, the annual rental fee per year is £36 per space. This is paid directly to Cyclehoop who manage the bikehangars on our behalf.
Why are you putting E-Bikes bays in?
The E-Bike scheme is separate to the bike hangar scheme. For more information about the scheme please visit: https://www.hounslow.gov.uk/info/20053/transport/2504/e-bike_rental_scheme_trial
The design of the bike hangar is ugly
The hangar is designed to maximise bike parking space while minimising its visual intrusion. It is accepted that there is differing opinion on the aesthetics of the hangar, and the council communicates feedback to the supplier regarding future design changes.
The hangars are designed specifically to sit within a row of parked vehicles and are less visually intrusive than a vehicle parked in the same location.
What is the size of a bike hangar?
A bike hangar’s dimensions are as follows:
2.5m (length) x 2m (width/depth) x 1.4m (height), approximately the size of half a car parking space. A bike hangar provides safe secure parking for six cycles.
Why do you propose a bike hangar in existing parking bays
Each bike hangar location has been assessed for its effect on existing parking. The locations are first assessed to see if there is any viable location on the road where parking is not affected (i.e. yellow lines, on council land that is off the highway etc.).
Bike hangars are not situated on yellow lines due to the following reasons:
Often there is no alternative other than to locate the bike hangar in an existing parking bay, in which case local car parking pressures are recognised and are carefully considered as part of the assessment.
A bike hangar equates to half a car parking space while storing six bikes - so it is an efficient use of space on a road where there is clear demand for improved cycle parking facilities.
There is enough cycle storage within the properties either in the front-garden, side access or hallways
Storing bikes in these locations can be considered unpractical depending on the space available, and are more prone to theft due to the vulnerability of bikes being left outside. The bike hangar offers security and protects cycles from the weather, in comparison to these locations.
I would like to request a bike hangar in an alternative or new location. How do I do this?
Additional locations are always welcome. Please send your request to traffic@hounslow.gov.uk stating where and why you would like a bike hangar. Installation will be subject to funding, finding a viable location and consultation.
How do I request for a space within a bike hangar?
If you would like to reserve a space within a certain bike hangar, please express your interest as part of the consultation. Please note that it is based on a 'first come first serve' principle and those who express an interest to reserve a space the earliest, will be given priority.
If you miss out on the chance to reserve a space, you can apply for a space at: https://www.cyclehoop.rentals/
Bike hangars are a waste of Council and taxpayer money
The council receives an annual grant allocation from Transport for London to deliver the aims set out in our Local Implementation Plan (which focuses on transport schemes that deliver a number of key aims, including 'Healthy Streets and Healthy People').
A small proportion of this funding is allocated to improve cycle parking across the borough. This funding is used to provide bike hangars for the use of residents, sheffield stand type cycle parking (outside shops, community facilities, parks etc) and cycle parking in schools.
For more information about the councils transport strategy, please visit Hounslow Transport Strategy | Transport policy | London Borough of Hounslow
Why do you propose a hangar in a conservation area?
The proposed bike hangars are of a sympathetic design and are similar size and form to a small car. We do not identify cars as harmful to Conservation Areas, so would not object to a bike shed of similar massing.
Many conservation areas were designed before the advent of cars and street furniture, but this does not mean that they should not accommodate these features of contemporary life now, when they are of sympathetic design. The character and appearance of conservations areas will be preserved, in accordance with the Council’s statutory duty in this regard.