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Hounslow Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) Public Questionnaire 2025

Tell us how you access and use pharmacy services in Hounslow

The information you provide in the questionnaire is confidential. Please see the privacy statement below. Your responses and comments will be published in the PNA on the council website in summary form only, and you will not be personally identified in any way.

For a paper copy or easy read version please contact Public Health Team, Hounslow House, 7 Bath Road, Hounslow, TW3 3EB. Telephone 020 8583 2000 or email

Closing date for this questionnaire is 24 November 2024

N.B. All responses and respondent details are anonymous. Any information provided will be kept in line with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). The information will be held securely and used for the purpose of planning appropriate services for all communities. It will not be passed on to any third party. For more detail on the Public Health privacy notice please visit: Hounslow Privacy Notice.

0% answered


Why do you usually visit a pharmacy? (Please tick all that apply)


How often have you visited or contacted a pharmacy in the last six months?


What time is most convenient for you to use a pharmacy?


Which days of the week are most convenient for you to use a pharmacy? (Please tick all that apply)


Do you have a regular local community pharmacy?


Is there a more convenient and/or closer pharmacy that you don’t use and why is that?

Quality of service (expertise)
Customer Service
Location of pharmacy
Opening times
Public transport
Accessibility (wheelchair/buggy access)
Communication (languages/interpreting service)
Space to have a private consultation
Availability of medicine
Services provided

Maximum 255 characters



How do you usually travel to the pharmacy


How long does it approximately take you to travel to the pharmacy?

Maximum 255 characters
