Hounslow Heath Masterplan

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Hounslow Heath is the only statutory Local Nature Reserve in Hounslow, declared in 1991. It is also classified as a Site of Metropolitan Importance and forms part of the Metropolitan Green Belt. The site is 82 hectares (202 acres) in total including an area of two hectares which is known as the Fairfield site that is excluded from the Local Nature Reserve designation.

There is an obligation of the Council to manage Hounslow Heath with due regard to the conservation of biodiversity which is covered under Section 40 the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006. The Lampton Greenspace Countryside team look after this space.

Hounslow Heath is a remnant lowland heathland mosaic which incorporates a mixture of heathland and acid grassland NVC communities, blocks of scrub and areas of bare ground. This mosaic, although small, is the last vestige of a habitat that once covered more than 3,000 hectares and holds many relic species of the once extensive heathland.

The heath area covers about 5 hectares and represents about 5% of London’s heathland. Both heathland and acid grassland are nationally important habitats and globally the UK holds one fifth of the world’s lowland heathland.

There are three other major habitat types on site, scrub, broad-leaved woodland and neutral grassland which are all of regional importance. These habitats are not rare in London terms but due to the age, size and mix of these habitats on Hounslow Heath they hold rare and diverse invertebrate communities and very high densities of breeding birds.

Hounslow Heath provides an important green buffer and high value landscape in an area of Hounslow that is heavily built and has significant areas covered with grey infrastructure.

Please note the area titled as Hounslow Heath Open Space is part of London Borough of Richmond and is not included in this Masterplan.

London Wildlife Trust

The London Wildlife Trust have been conducting field surveys in 2024. This was to ensure that the majority of species present were captured and mapped. GIGL (Greenspace Information for Greater London) will also support by providing further biological records.

The results will be presented in a detailed 10-year habitat management plan which will be shared online.


London Borough of Hounslow has appointed a multi disciplinary team of Landscape Architects and landscape consultants to form a masterplan for Hounslow Heath.

The process will be collaborative with the appointed team, the Council, stakeholders, and community working together to develop the vision.

The Council’s six priority ambitions for the borough will shape the Hounslow Heath Masterplan, with specific focus given to ‘creating a greener Hounslow’ and increasing the physical and mental well-being of residents. Areas of focus will be:

  • Access to and around the site
  • Signage and street furniture
  • Formal and informal recreation
  • Existing buildings
  • Parking provision
  • Visitor facilities and information
  • Nature recovery
  • Links to other initiatives such as the Crane Valley Trail

Opportunities presented for the site:

Becoming a key destination space for nature based recreational activities and environmental education and training - Elevate designation status to SSI or National Nature Reserve - Species reintroductions - Enhancements for residents’ mental and physical wellbeing - Rationalizing cycle route provision and providing new green links - Re-establishing a wetland area - Making Hounslow Heath a Nationally important donor site for Adders.


London Wildlife Trust, Crane Valley Partnership, FORCE, Zoological Society of London, MET (Design out Crime), Lampton Greenspace, LBH departments such as Equality team, Traffic & Transport, Public Health, Ecologist, Safer Communities.

How to get involved:

Once the preliminary stages are complete, initial drafts will be shared and a consultation will be taking place.


Hounslow Heath is the only statutory Local Nature Reserve in Hounslow, declared in 1991. It is also classified as a Site of Metropolitan Importance and forms part of the Metropolitan Green Belt. The site is 82 hectares (202 acres) in total including an area of two hectares which is known as the Fairfield site that is excluded from the Local Nature Reserve designation.

There is an obligation of the Council to manage Hounslow Heath with due regard to the conservation of biodiversity which is covered under Section 40 the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006. The Lampton Greenspace Countryside team look after this space.

Hounslow Heath is a remnant lowland heathland mosaic which incorporates a mixture of heathland and acid grassland NVC communities, blocks of scrub and areas of bare ground. This mosaic, although small, is the last vestige of a habitat that once covered more than 3,000 hectares and holds many relic species of the once extensive heathland.

The heath area covers about 5 hectares and represents about 5% of London’s heathland. Both heathland and acid grassland are nationally important habitats and globally the UK holds one fifth of the world’s lowland heathland.

There are three other major habitat types on site, scrub, broad-leaved woodland and neutral grassland which are all of regional importance. These habitats are not rare in London terms but due to the age, size and mix of these habitats on Hounslow Heath they hold rare and diverse invertebrate communities and very high densities of breeding birds.

Hounslow Heath provides an important green buffer and high value landscape in an area of Hounslow that is heavily built and has significant areas covered with grey infrastructure.

Please note the area titled as Hounslow Heath Open Space is part of London Borough of Richmond and is not included in this Masterplan.

London Wildlife Trust

The London Wildlife Trust have been conducting field surveys in 2024. This was to ensure that the majority of species present were captured and mapped. GIGL (Greenspace Information for Greater London) will also support by providing further biological records.

The results will be presented in a detailed 10-year habitat management plan which will be shared online.


London Borough of Hounslow has appointed a multi disciplinary team of Landscape Architects and landscape consultants to form a masterplan for Hounslow Heath.

The process will be collaborative with the appointed team, the Council, stakeholders, and community working together to develop the vision.

The Council’s six priority ambitions for the borough will shape the Hounslow Heath Masterplan, with specific focus given to ‘creating a greener Hounslow’ and increasing the physical and mental well-being of residents. Areas of focus will be:

  • Access to and around the site
  • Signage and street furniture
  • Formal and informal recreation
  • Existing buildings
  • Parking provision
  • Visitor facilities and information
  • Nature recovery
  • Links to other initiatives such as the Crane Valley Trail

Opportunities presented for the site:

Becoming a key destination space for nature based recreational activities and environmental education and training - Elevate designation status to SSI or National Nature Reserve - Species reintroductions - Enhancements for residents’ mental and physical wellbeing - Rationalizing cycle route provision and providing new green links - Re-establishing a wetland area - Making Hounslow Heath a Nationally important donor site for Adders.


London Wildlife Trust, Crane Valley Partnership, FORCE, Zoological Society of London, MET (Design out Crime), Lampton Greenspace, LBH departments such as Equality team, Traffic & Transport, Public Health, Ecologist, Safer Communities.

How to get involved:

Once the preliminary stages are complete, initial drafts will be shared and a consultation will be taking place.

Page last updated: 13 Feb 2025, 09:40 AM