Brentford Fountain Leisure Centre Survey

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Brentford Fountain Leisure Centre

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After over four decades of service, Brentford Fountain Leisure Centre is reaching the end of its life. Whilst the Leisure Centre remains open, no date has been set for its closure and it is expected to remain open for some time. Hounslow Council intends to develop a new leisure centre in its place so that affordable, high-quality leisure facilities continue to be available on this site for future generations. Since November we have been asking for your views on what this could look like through a short survey.

The survey is just the starting point for what will be an ongoing programme of community engagement as the redevelopment project takes shape. The responses will help us to understand your views about leisure provision at Brentford Fountain today and your ambitions for what the new provision could look like.

As of Friday 24th January 2025, the survey has closed.

During January we also held a series of focus group sessions with the help of local organisations so that we could reach more people across the community. The findings from these sessions will be brought together with the survey findings so that a report can be produced. This will be made publicly available.

For an Easy Read version of this text, please see the link to the Easy Read explainer on the righthand side of the screen.

After over four decades of service, Brentford Fountain Leisure Centre is reaching the end of its life. Whilst the Leisure Centre remains open, no date has been set for its closure and it is expected to remain open for some time. Hounslow Council intends to develop a new leisure centre in its place so that affordable, high-quality leisure facilities continue to be available on this site for future generations. Since November we have been asking for your views on what this could look like through a short survey.

The survey is just the starting point for what will be an ongoing programme of community engagement as the redevelopment project takes shape. The responses will help us to understand your views about leisure provision at Brentford Fountain today and your ambitions for what the new provision could look like.

As of Friday 24th January 2025, the survey has closed.

During January we also held a series of focus group sessions with the help of local organisations so that we could reach more people across the community. The findings from these sessions will be brought together with the survey findings so that a report can be produced. This will be made publicly available.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Please give us your views on Brentford Fountain Leisure Centre and the facilities you want in the new centre. We want as many people as possible to submit a survey response – including those who rarely or never use the existing facilities. So whether you are a frequent visitor or have never even been inside, we would love to hear from you. This survey should take less than five minutes to complete.

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Page last updated: 24 Jan 2025, 05:26 PM