Brentford Dock 'area' proposed Controlled Parking Zone - preliminary consultation

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Consultation has concluded

This consultation closed on 15 March 2024, an update will be available shortly which will summarise the findings and next steps


The council have received a resident petition requesting the introduction of a controlled parking zone (CPZ) in Augustus Close, Brentford. The petition reports that as a result of the new housing developments in the surrounding area, along with the new retail stores that are planned to open on Brentford High Street, uncontrolled parking on Augustus Close will no longer be viable. Onstreet observations have also found a high density of parking in Augustus Close throughout the day.

The petition has been considered by local ward Councillors of Syon & Brentford Lock, who have agreed that a consultation be carried out with residents. Therefore, in response to these concerns, the council are commencing a preliminary consultation with local residents regarding the possible introduction of a CPZ in Augustus Close. We are seeking your views to determine whether there is support for parking controls, and if so, the extent of this support.

Consultation area 

Whilst the CPZ would only extend to the public highway in Augustus Close, the preliminary consultation is extended to include all properties in Brentford Dock, namely Augustus Close, including Galba Court, Leo Court, Maurice Court, Otho Court and Servius Court, and Justin Close, including Julius Court, Marcus Court, Nero Court, Numa Court and Romulus Court.

This consultation does not include any proposed changes to the private car park areas within Brentford Dock nor would occupants of the nearby new developments be eligible for parking permits in the event of a CPZ being introduced.

At this stage, the purpose of the consultation is simply to understand residents’ views on the existing parking pressures in Augustus Close and whether a CPZ would be beneficial.

How to respond

This is your opportunity to have a say on whether you would like a CPZ to be introduced and I would strongly encourage you to respond even if you do not experience parking difficulties and/or are not in favour of a CPZ being introduced. 

Before clicking on 'Take Survey' below, please refer to the information included in our 'consultation letter', which has a summary of how CPZs work, and the associated permit costs (see 'consultation letter' to the right of this page).

As we are using a new consultation platform new users will need to register first to take part in the online consultation. Registration is a quick process, when you click on 'Take Survey' below, you will be asked to provide basic information such as an email address, name and create a password.

Should you be unable to complete the survey online, a paper copy can be provided by contacting the team via the contact details above. And if you require this information in a different language or format, please get in touch with the team via or calling 020 8583 3322 and we will endeavour to provide this for you.

You can also submit your comments to us in writing by email or post - please send any comments to us (quoting: ‘Brentford Dock area CPZ consultation’) to the email at the top of this page, or by post to the following address:

Traffic, Transport and Parking
Hounslow House
7 Bath Road
Hounslow TW3 3EB

I would be grateful if you would complete the online survey by no later than Friday 15 March 2024.

Next steps

If the outcome of this consultation shows there is general agreement for the introduction of a CPZ, a further ‘detailed design’ consultation will be undertaken which will provide details of a possible scheme design (parking bay locations, etc.), and specific operational times and days.

Should you have any queries regarding the above or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact the team via the details shown at the top of this letter.

Please be aware that we may be unable to respond directly to every respondent, however all feedback will be summarised and considered as part of the consultation process. The outcome of the consultation will be available to view on this webpage once a decision has been made.

Paper copies of all consultations and surveys are available. To request one, please email or call 020 8583 2000.

This consultation closed on 15 March 2024, an update will be available shortly which will summarise the findings and next steps


The council have received a resident petition requesting the introduction of a controlled parking zone (CPZ) in Augustus Close, Brentford. The petition reports that as a result of the new housing developments in the surrounding area, along with the new retail stores that are planned to open on Brentford High Street, uncontrolled parking on Augustus Close will no longer be viable. Onstreet observations have also found a high density of parking in Augustus Close throughout the day.

The petition has been considered by local ward Councillors of Syon & Brentford Lock, who have agreed that a consultation be carried out with residents. Therefore, in response to these concerns, the council are commencing a preliminary consultation with local residents regarding the possible introduction of a CPZ in Augustus Close. We are seeking your views to determine whether there is support for parking controls, and if so, the extent of this support.

Consultation area 

Whilst the CPZ would only extend to the public highway in Augustus Close, the preliminary consultation is extended to include all properties in Brentford Dock, namely Augustus Close, including Galba Court, Leo Court, Maurice Court, Otho Court and Servius Court, and Justin Close, including Julius Court, Marcus Court, Nero Court, Numa Court and Romulus Court.

This consultation does not include any proposed changes to the private car park areas within Brentford Dock nor would occupants of the nearby new developments be eligible for parking permits in the event of a CPZ being introduced.

At this stage, the purpose of the consultation is simply to understand residents’ views on the existing parking pressures in Augustus Close and whether a CPZ would be beneficial.

How to respond

This is your opportunity to have a say on whether you would like a CPZ to be introduced and I would strongly encourage you to respond even if you do not experience parking difficulties and/or are not in favour of a CPZ being introduced. 

Before clicking on 'Take Survey' below, please refer to the information included in our 'consultation letter', which has a summary of how CPZs work, and the associated permit costs (see 'consultation letter' to the right of this page).

As we are using a new consultation platform new users will need to register first to take part in the online consultation. Registration is a quick process, when you click on 'Take Survey' below, you will be asked to provide basic information such as an email address, name and create a password.

Should you be unable to complete the survey online, a paper copy can be provided by contacting the team via the contact details above. And if you require this information in a different language or format, please get in touch with the team via or calling 020 8583 3322 and we will endeavour to provide this for you.

You can also submit your comments to us in writing by email or post - please send any comments to us (quoting: ‘Brentford Dock area CPZ consultation’) to the email at the top of this page, or by post to the following address:

Traffic, Transport and Parking
Hounslow House
7 Bath Road
Hounslow TW3 3EB

I would be grateful if you would complete the online survey by no later than Friday 15 March 2024.

Next steps

If the outcome of this consultation shows there is general agreement for the introduction of a CPZ, a further ‘detailed design’ consultation will be undertaken which will provide details of a possible scheme design (parking bay locations, etc.), and specific operational times and days.

Should you have any queries regarding the above or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact the team via the details shown at the top of this letter.

Please be aware that we may be unable to respond directly to every respondent, however all feedback will be summarised and considered as part of the consultation process. The outcome of the consultation will be available to view on this webpage once a decision has been made.

Paper copies of all consultations and surveys are available. To request one, please email or call 020 8583 2000.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This consultation closed on 15 March 2024, an update will be available shortly which will summarise the findings and next steps

    Consultation has concluded
    Share Brentford Dock 'area' Proposed Controlled Parking Zone Survey on Facebook Share Brentford Dock 'area' Proposed Controlled Parking Zone Survey on Twitter Share Brentford Dock 'area' Proposed Controlled Parking Zone Survey on Linkedin Email Brentford Dock 'area' Proposed Controlled Parking Zone Survey link