Walking and cycling improvements - Bath Road, Hounslow

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18 December 2023.  This consultation has now concluded, thank you.

Walking and cycling improvements on Bath Road, Hounslow

We would like your views on proposed improvements to walking and cycling facilities on Bath Road, Hounslow as part of Hounslow’s Priority Cycle Network route 6.

What are we proposing?

The London Borough of Hounslow is proposing highway improvements, with particular focus on walking and cycling on Bath Road between Steve Biko Way and Hounslow West Station.

The plans form part of the council’s long-term vision to encourage more people to walk and cycle by making Hounslow’s streets healthier, safer, and more welcoming. These proposals make up phase 3 of the Bath Road Priority Cycle Network 6, with phases 1 and 2 from the A4 to Hounslow West Station (Siddeley Drive) already being implemented.

Summary of key changes


  • A proposed signalised crossing east of Maitland Close, to replace the existing pedestrian refuge.
  • An additional crossing point at Hospital Road is proposed east of the junction. This change has been modelled and by removing the small island the pedestrian experience will be improved as there will no longer be a need to cross twice, however overall pedestrian wait times will be appreciably longer.

Pedestrian and Cycling

  • Introduction of raised side road entry treatments and continuous footways (where traffic volumes are low) and the conversion of small accesses to vehicle crossovers.
  • Provision of bus stop bypasses (floating bus stops) to provide separate space for pedestrians, cyclists and bus passengers in locations where bus passenger numbers are high. At some bus stops with low passenger numbers shared use stops are being proposed.


  • Introduction of improved eastbound cycle facilities between Hounslow West Station and Clipstone Road, providing a combination of segregated cycle tracks, on carriageway facilities and shared use footways.
  • Introduction of improved westbound cycle facilities between Martindale Road and Steve Biko Way, providing a combination of segregated cycle tracks, on carriageway facilities and shared use footways.
  • New cycle logo markings will be introduced throughout the route.
  • Advanced Stop Lines for cycles on Bath Road at the Wellington Road North junction, to improve priority for cycles.
  • Advanced Stop Lines for cycles on all approaches at the Hospital Road junction, to improve priority for cycles.
  • Direct cycle links to Hounslow West station from the south, by converting the existing crossing west of Martindale Road to a Toucan crossing.
  • Placing cycle tracks behind parking bays, in line with design guidance, so that vehicles do not need to cross cycle facilities to access parking bays.

Other changes

  • No waiting and no loading at any time restrictions are proposed along the length of the stepped cycle track facilities. This will mean the conversion of existing Single yellow line restrictions between;
  • No. 145a/145 Bath Road and No. 167/169 Bath Road on the northern footway.
  • The junction with Strafford Road and St Michael and Martins Church on the southern footway.
  • These changes will require the loss of one parking bay outside Church Close. There are currently three bays, and usage data suggests that this is not required.
  • Two parking bays will be installed outside St Michael and St Martins Church, this is in place of the existing single yellow line restriction.
  • Tree planting – The proposals require the removal of four trees. At least eight new trees will be planted.
  • Traffic signals modification to optimise traffic signal timings for all traffic, including buses. The changes to the signals and inclusion of Advanced Stop Lines for cyclists has been modelled to determine whether there will be any impact on capacity, the modelling results suggests the changes will not have an adverse impact.

Impact on Land outside Noel Court 

In order to create the space needed for the cycle track between Maitland Close and Standard Road, we need to acquire a small section of housing land outside Noel Court, adjacent to the footway of Bath Road, for highway purposes. The legal term for this process is appropriation.  

How to respond

Once you have reviewed the consultation information, you can complete the online survey below.

As the Council are using a new consultation platform, you will be asked to complete a quick registration process, before going on to submit your responses.

You can also submit your comments to us by post - please send any comments to us (quoting: 'Walking and cycling improvements - Bath Road, Hounslow' ) to the following address:

Traffic, Transport and Environmental Strategy
Hounslow House
7 Bath Road

We welcome your feedback and would ask that you provide your response by 17 December 2023.

If you would like to request an accessible version of the consultation/survey, such as large print, Easy Read or Braille, please email consult@hounslow.gov.uk.

Drop-In Sessions

During the consultation, two drop-in sessions will be held in the Library Adult Education Room 2 at Hounslow House where Council Officers will be available to answer any queries you may have. These sessions will be held on:

  1. Thursday 23 November 4pm to 8pm
  2. Tuesday 28 November 2pm to 5pm

Next steps

We are unable to respond directly to every respondent, however all feedback will be summarised and presented to your ward councillors along with our recommendations. The outcome of the consultation will be available to view on the council’s website once a decision has been made, which is likely to be in April 2024.

Paper copies of all consultations and surveys are available. To request one, please email consult@hounslow.gov.uk or call 020 8583 2000.

Walking and cycling improvements on Bath Road, Hounslow

We would like your views on proposed improvements to walking and cycling facilities on Bath Road, Hounslow as part of Hounslow’s Priority Cycle Network route 6.

What are we proposing?

The London Borough of Hounslow is proposing highway improvements, with particular focus on walking and cycling on Bath Road between Steve Biko Way and Hounslow West Station.

The plans form part of the council’s long-term vision to encourage more people to walk and cycle by making Hounslow’s streets healthier, safer, and more welcoming. These proposals make up phase 3 of the Bath Road Priority Cycle Network 6, with phases 1 and 2 from the A4 to Hounslow West Station (Siddeley Drive) already being implemented.

Summary of key changes


  • A proposed signalised crossing east of Maitland Close, to replace the existing pedestrian refuge.
  • An additional crossing point at Hospital Road is proposed east of the junction. This change has been modelled and by removing the small island the pedestrian experience will be improved as there will no longer be a need to cross twice, however overall pedestrian wait times will be appreciably longer.

Pedestrian and Cycling

  • Introduction of raised side road entry treatments and continuous footways (where traffic volumes are low) and the conversion of small accesses to vehicle crossovers.
  • Provision of bus stop bypasses (floating bus stops) to provide separate space for pedestrians, cyclists and bus passengers in locations where bus passenger numbers are high. At some bus stops with low passenger numbers shared use stops are being proposed.


  • Introduction of improved eastbound cycle facilities between Hounslow West Station and Clipstone Road, providing a combination of segregated cycle tracks, on carriageway facilities and shared use footways.
  • Introduction of improved westbound cycle facilities between Martindale Road and Steve Biko Way, providing a combination of segregated cycle tracks, on carriageway facilities and shared use footways.
  • New cycle logo markings will be introduced throughout the route.
  • Advanced Stop Lines for cycles on Bath Road at the Wellington Road North junction, to improve priority for cycles.
  • Advanced Stop Lines for cycles on all approaches at the Hospital Road junction, to improve priority for cycles.
  • Direct cycle links to Hounslow West station from the south, by converting the existing crossing west of Martindale Road to a Toucan crossing.
  • Placing cycle tracks behind parking bays, in line with design guidance, so that vehicles do not need to cross cycle facilities to access parking bays.

Other changes

  • No waiting and no loading at any time restrictions are proposed along the length of the stepped cycle track facilities. This will mean the conversion of existing Single yellow line restrictions between;
  • No. 145a/145 Bath Road and No. 167/169 Bath Road on the northern footway.
  • The junction with Strafford Road and St Michael and Martins Church on the southern footway.
  • These changes will require the loss of one parking bay outside Church Close. There are currently three bays, and usage data suggests that this is not required.
  • Two parking bays will be installed outside St Michael and St Martins Church, this is in place of the existing single yellow line restriction.
  • Tree planting – The proposals require the removal of four trees. At least eight new trees will be planted.
  • Traffic signals modification to optimise traffic signal timings for all traffic, including buses. The changes to the signals and inclusion of Advanced Stop Lines for cyclists has been modelled to determine whether there will be any impact on capacity, the modelling results suggests the changes will not have an adverse impact.

Impact on Land outside Noel Court 

In order to create the space needed for the cycle track between Maitland Close and Standard Road, we need to acquire a small section of housing land outside Noel Court, adjacent to the footway of Bath Road, for highway purposes. The legal term for this process is appropriation.  

How to respond

Once you have reviewed the consultation information, you can complete the online survey below.

As the Council are using a new consultation platform, you will be asked to complete a quick registration process, before going on to submit your responses.

You can also submit your comments to us by post - please send any comments to us (quoting: 'Walking and cycling improvements - Bath Road, Hounslow' ) to the following address:

Traffic, Transport and Environmental Strategy
Hounslow House
7 Bath Road

We welcome your feedback and would ask that you provide your response by 17 December 2023.

If you would like to request an accessible version of the consultation/survey, such as large print, Easy Read or Braille, please email consult@hounslow.gov.uk.

Drop-In Sessions

During the consultation, two drop-in sessions will be held in the Library Adult Education Room 2 at Hounslow House where Council Officers will be available to answer any queries you may have. These sessions will be held on:

  1. Thursday 23 November 4pm to 8pm
  2. Tuesday 28 November 2pm to 5pm

Next steps

We are unable to respond directly to every respondent, however all feedback will be summarised and presented to your ward councillors along with our recommendations. The outcome of the consultation will be available to view on the council’s website once a decision has been made, which is likely to be in April 2024.

Paper copies of all consultations and surveys are available. To request one, please email consult@hounslow.gov.uk or call 020 8583 2000.

18 December 2023.  This consultation has now concluded, thank you.