Community Buildings: Our Assets

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Consultation has concluded

This consultation closed on 8 October 2023, an update will be available shortly which will summarise the findings and next steps.

We want to change how we work in, and with, our communities. We also want to change how we use our community buildings - also known as assets - and guide the regeneration in the borough so people have the things they need nearer to where they live.

Alongside smarter working with public sector partners, voluntary and community groups and businesses, we want to foster more connected communities, increasing equality of access to services and opportunities. This is about getting the right support, right buildings and right development all in the right place.

We are developing an assets strategy to enable us to think strategically and creatively about how we use our community buildings use, management and community benefit, and ensure they deliver the social and commercial outcomes needed.

This quick survey asks you if you use our public buildings and how you use them, also what you think about the building. Over the coming months we will talk to the community and find out what is important to you and we will come back and ask more detail about your views on our community buildings, so please watch this space.

Paper copies of all consultations and surveys are available. To request one, please email or call 020 8583 2000.

This consultation closed on 8 October 2023, an update will be available shortly which will summarise the findings and next steps.

We want to change how we work in, and with, our communities. We also want to change how we use our community buildings - also known as assets - and guide the regeneration in the borough so people have the things they need nearer to where they live.

Alongside smarter working with public sector partners, voluntary and community groups and businesses, we want to foster more connected communities, increasing equality of access to services and opportunities. This is about getting the right support, right buildings and right development all in the right place.

We are developing an assets strategy to enable us to think strategically and creatively about how we use our community buildings use, management and community benefit, and ensure they deliver the social and commercial outcomes needed.

This quick survey asks you if you use our public buildings and how you use them, also what you think about the building. Over the coming months we will talk to the community and find out what is important to you and we will come back and ask more detail about your views on our community buildings, so please watch this space.

Paper copies of all consultations and surveys are available. To request one, please email or call 020 8583 2000.